about to finish this need for speed game but man..
i really wish all the Midnight Club games were on pc
especially Midnight Club L.A. that s*** was so fun
Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Eddition
But it’s mainly just a time waster until Valorant opens back up on Tuesday.
Currently on doom eternal playing on ultra nightmare this is gonna be long af but f*** it lets give it a try
Just finished Control. The main story, gameplay, graphics, music. All That Ashtray Maze sequence
Wish it was longer. Unfortunately its dlc so far has been pretty lackluster.
Gonna start DMC5 and Metro: Exodus next.
Playing Half Life 2 properly for the first time
I'm like a decade and a half behind when it comes to games
replaying skyrim but this time on pc with a s*** ton of new mods s*** liiiiiitttt. Xbox and especially ps4 mods dont even hold a candle
been playing borderlands 2 on Switch and the last of us. after i finish the last of us, i might try sekiro again i quit after i couldn’t beat the flaming bull
replaying skyrim but this time on pc with a s*** ton of new mods s*** liiiiiitttt. Xbox and especially ps4 mods dont even hold a candle
facts, skyrim with hella mods on pc can fr be like a whole new game lol
been playing borderlands 2 on Switch and the last of us. after i finish the last of us, i might try sekiro again i quit after i couldn’t beat the flaming bull
how does BL2 run on switch? contemplating getting it or xenoblade
how does BL2 run on switch? contemplating getting it or xenoblade
runs a little bit better than 360 / ps3 version. frame rate is solid. it’s kinda hard to play handheld without motion controls, but they work well.
Never played AC3
This is crayZ
Haytham storyline so far smooth
Black Flag next up soon
Saints Row 4 - this has to be one of the funniest games ever. I don’t get the hate this series gets.
WATCH_DOGS - okay this one was wayyyyyy more serious than the second. Cool story but some gameplay elements are really outdated now
A coworker showed me hearthstone mobile then I got into battlegrounds on desktop, now yesterday I spent $15 on a solo campaign I'm spinning out of control
Replaying Arkham City on PS4, haven't touched it since I beat it on PS3. Super excited I have so much nostalgia for it.
Just finished Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End; It’s a great closing chapter for Nathan Drake. The levels are absolutely gorgeous in both art direction and graphical fidelity (I was blown away by Scotland and Madagascar), and the gameplay is more enjoyable than it’s ever been, especially now that Naughty Dog have committed to a stealth system.
There’s a lot more going on in Uncharted 4’s narrative compared to previous games. It was interesting to see how Nate's struggle to move on from life as a thief and explorer tied in to the conflict between Sam Drake and Rafe Adler, who both try to prove their greatness in the same way that Nate did in Uncharted 3.