  • Jul 7, 2020

    tales of phantasia ps1

    p good so far

  • Jul 7, 2020

    wow classic and i just got battlefront 2

  • Jul 7, 2020
    1 reply

    The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky - 7/10

    It was a good game and I enjoyed my time with it, but I wish the time investment to final rating ratio was a little better. If I'm spending 40ish hours to finish a game I would hope I could give it a score better than 7/10.

    A big reason why the game length is so long is that there is an absurd amount of reading in the game. The game felt like a visual novel disguised as an RPG. The amount of text wasn't necessarily a bad thing though: the dialogue between characters was incredibly charming and fun to read.

    There was a stupid amount of backtracking involved in the game and the combat animation was slow as hell. If I was playing normally, the aforementioned would kill the pacing, but luckily I was playing the version that included a turbo version which sped up all the animations (which I ended up using any time I was walking around to different locations or whenever I was in combat.)

    damn this dude giving the greatest rpg of all time a 7/10

    i would make sure you at least play sc though, fc is really only the opening act and s*** doesn't get real until the second game

  • Jul 7, 2020
    1 reply
    vantage jsa

    damn this dude giving the greatest rpg of all time a 7/10

    i would make sure you at least play sc though, fc is really only the opening act and s*** doesn't get real until the second game

    Only a rating for the first game

    I'm in the middle of Persona 4 Golden right now so I won't be getting around to SC for a while. I am confident that SC is gonna have a much higher rating than FC though since like you said: FC is mostly an introduction/set-up to the actual story.

  • Jul 7, 2020
    1 reply

    Finna try out this Ori and the woods (or something like that) next time I get a few days off.

    Also I need to finish up star wars fallen order and kakarot whenever I get a chance

  • Jul 7, 2020
    CNA Lov3ly

    Finna try out this Ori and the woods (or something like that) next time I get a few days off.

    Also I need to finish up star wars fallen order and kakarot whenever I get a chance

    Yeah nevermind. Can't even make it past the prologue. Only a few minutes in and it's touching wayyyy too close to home. My heart hearts ...

  • Jul 7, 2020

    started dark souls 1

    i am s*** as also

  • Jul 7, 2020

    Only a rating for the first game

    I'm in the middle of Persona 4 Golden right now so I won't be getting around to SC for a while. I am confident that SC is gonna have a much higher rating than FC though since like you said: FC is mostly an introduction/set-up to the actual story.

    nice, p4g is another classic and all time fave.

    it's probably good to take a break in between tbh. falcom does a lot of asset flip across their arcs (ie you revisit a lot of areas from the first game) and the first few chapters of sc can be slow, but the payoff is absolutely worth it

  • Jul 7, 2020
    1 reply

    bought persona 4 gold off steam a couple weeks ago, had never played anything in the persona series prior

    basically anything with dungeons and turn-based combat is a hard turnoff for me but got dam i love this game. super creative dungeons and combat that’s exciting enough with s*** like getting extra attacks after downing an enemy makes it actually not a drag

    but damn the stories and dialogue man. i don’t think i’ve loved so many characters in a game before(esp. nanako and kanji), or laughed at s*** in an rpg. i’m like 75% of the way done and it’s easily one of my favorite games ever that id recommend to anyone

  • Jul 8, 2020

    bought persona 4 gold off steam a couple weeks ago, had never played anything in the persona series prior

    basically anything with dungeons and turn-based combat is a hard turnoff for me but got dam i love this game. super creative dungeons and combat that’s exciting enough with s*** like getting extra attacks after downing an enemy makes it actually not a drag

    but damn the stories and dialogue man. i don’t think i’ve loved so many characters in a game before(esp. nanako and kanji), or laughed at s*** in an rpg. i’m like 75% of the way done and it’s easily one of my favorite games ever that id recommend to anyone

    Kanji is one of my favourite characters in a cast that is already quite strong. I love the sibling dynamic between him and Rise.

  • Jul 9, 2020

    God of War ps4

  • Jul 12, 2020

    im now convinced there isnt a better music + game combo than slayer and wolfenstein.

    unloading a 40 round mag into nazis and all you hear is RAINING BLOOOOOOOOODDDDDDD FROM A LACERATED SKY

  • Jul 12, 2020

    Taking a break from Xenoblade DE. Gonna try Pillars of Eternity 1-2 again. Truthfully I wanna skip 1 and go straight to 2. But I’ll try my best to suffer through 1.

  • Jul 12, 2020

    Sekiro (again) and Hotline Miami 2

  • Jul 12, 2020

    Jedi Fallen Order

  • PIMP 💿
    Jul 12, 2020

    Dead space

  • Jul 12, 2020

    The Last of Us 1

  • Jul 12, 2020

    Yea never mind POE1 😅. The micromanaging you have to do for each combat encounter is extremely aggravating over time. POE2 the AI is 10x better and you can make custom scripts thankfully. Think I’ll just watch a play through of POE1

  • Jul 13, 2020

    Started Shadowbringers on FF14 and its been amazing so far, this really the best FF game I ever played man

  • Jul 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Started playing Xenogears this s*** is too good

    Emulation or PSP? Been meaning to get it

  • Jul 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Emulation or PSP? Been meaning to get it

    Emulation it runs great with the right settings tbh

    Im 20 hours in its pretty good so far but its very dialogue and story focused so there's a lot of point where you dont really play, which is a shame since the gameplay is pretty cool

    But the story is very good and intriguing and it tackles a lot of intersting themes and ideas so its not that bad if you're into it

    Def play it bro its an experience to have especially if youre familiar with playing FF games

  • Jul 13, 2020

    Just started Death Stranding and P5Royal

    On PC I been playing WoW casually but s*** gets kinda boring.

  • Jul 14, 2020

    Assassins Creed origins, never got into it the first time I tried to play. Loving it so far though

  • Jul 14, 2020

    Emulation it runs great with the right settings tbh

    Im 20 hours in its pretty good so far but its very dialogue and story focused so there's a lot of point where you dont really play, which is a shame since the gameplay is pretty cool

    But the story is very good and intriguing and it tackles a lot of intersting themes and ideas so its not that bad if you're into it

    Def play it bro its an experience to have especially if youre familiar with playing FF games

    Ohh bet bro

  • Rise of the tomb raider so fire
