  • Oct 4, 2020

    Ori and the will of the wisp
    Nintendo switch

  • I bought AC Origins again like 2 weeks ago bc it was on sale for 10 and i haven't put it down since

  • Oct 5, 2020

    Doom on the switch, join up

  • been playing rocket league for about a week but i think i’m finna delete it again. when you get up to platinum rank the teammates usually take it way too seriously and say some headass s*** in the chat

    had both my teammates vote to forfeit when we were up 2-1 with a minute left thought about doing it for the meme

    might go back to finishing my second playthrough of P4G

  • Oct 5, 2020

    Let me push my way through Outer Worlds so I can start this 90th Witcher 3 playthrough

  • Oct 6, 2020
    1 reply

    whipped out my ps3 again and am playing GTA 4 ballad of gay Tony.

    game is ugly now but still charming and in some ways better than 5.

  • Oct 6, 2020
    2 replies

    Play 2 and you'll think theres close to no random encounters in 1

    bruh im not ready for this s***

  • Oct 6, 2020
    1 reply

    bruh im not ready for this s***

    What version of 1 you played?

  • Oct 6, 2020

    bruh im not ready for this s***

    Tbh 2 is hated by many but imo its a hidden gem, it's just extremely hard and unaccessible, but if you manage to get into it it's very good... On paper it has one of the best progression system I've seen in a game, infinite personalisation for your characters

    Talking about Nes version, idk how the GBA/PS1 versions play

  • Oct 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Just finished CrossCode. It’s a unique action RPG with a simple set of mechanics that contain a surprising amount of depth once you apply them to combat and puzzle-solving. The game takes place in a virtual reality MMO and does a lot of interesting stuff with its setting, and also has one of the most creative applications of a silent protagonist that I’ve ever come across.

    I was initially hesitant to pick this game up because I thought it was going to be some dumb pixel art nostalgia bait thing, but this video convinced me to give it a chance and I ended up putting sixty hours in to it. Between CrossCode and Hollow Knight, it's impressive how these indie developers with smaller budgets and limited manpower have been able to produce these games that are so large in scale.

  • Oct 6, 2020
    1 reply

    What version of 1 you played?

    Played the 20th anniversary edition on a psp emulator, which I heard is actually easier than the OG since you get more xp in battle. Think im gonna play the 20th anniversary edition of 2 as well

  • Oct 6, 2020

    Played the 20th anniversary edition on a psp emulator, which I heard is actually easier than the OG since you get more xp in battle. Think im gonna play the 20th anniversary edition of 2 as well

    Ooh that's cool tbh the nes versions are hard af, but if one day you wanna play them I can only recommend preparing yourself mentally for a healthy amount of crying in pain

  • Oct 9, 2020

    Just started Mass Effect 2 😎

  • Oct 10, 2020
    1 reply

    whipped out my ps3 again and am playing GTA 4 ballad of gay Tony.

    game is ugly now but still charming and in some ways better than 5.

    Been playing this a lot too lately. Just get zooted and fist fights cabbies until my buzz wears off

  • Oct 10, 2020

    replaying bloodborne currently

  • Oct 10, 2020
    Brother Bungus

    Been playing this a lot too lately. Just get zooted and fist fights cabbies until my buzz wears off

    fighting is so fun in this game since they don't drop in one hit. and almost every pedestrian will fight back. some even whooped my ass

  • Cod Advanced Warfare tbh

  • Oct 10, 2020

    Gothic 3. With the community patches its quite good.
    Still hope that there will be a Gothic 4 by piranha bytes after elex 2..

  • Hades all day

    I suck tho. 22 runs and 0 wins. Furthest I got was to the bull minotaur thing and the champion

  • Oct 11, 2020

    you lose your wanted level so fast when you get out of the circle in GTA 4 it's nice.

  • Oct 13, 2020
    1 reply
    Buckleys Angel

    I haven’t played a good CRPG for awhile, so I picked up Divinity: Original Sin 2. It’s okay, so far. Not really blown away at all.

    that game sucks ass

  • Oct 13, 2020
    1 reply
    With Love

    that game sucks ass

    It’s one of the most celebrated rpgs in a long time

  • Oct 13, 2020

    metal gear solid 5 and spellbreak and thats it mostly

  • Oct 13, 2020

    It’s one of the most celebrated rpgs in a long time

    It ain't touching D3 B)
