  • hayabusa

    finished a couple RE games this year so ill just say some quick words instead the usual lengthy reviews i do

    this was a cool follow up to the first game for sure, leon instantly became a fav to me from playing RE4 so it was funny see how dorky he was on his first day as a raccoon city police (nigga got the worst luck ever). pretty inline with the first game, the usual backtracking, puzzles, and what not. some pretty memorable set pieces with the RPD and laboratory at the end of the game.


    now i absolutely cant stand this recent era of remaking games for the sake of remaking them but this was one of the best feeling games i ever played. idk how capcom made a game nearly as good as the original but they f***ing did their big one on this. the gameplay loop, the quality of life changes they've added, the sound design (specifically the neck snap sound effect my god), and the PARRYING. it really never gets old, every game needs parrying.


    this is a game where i could see why an OG fan of the series would probably deter from this because of how big of a shift the series took at this point, fortunately though i like fun games because this was easily the funnest and funniest co-op game ive played since like new super mario bros on the wii. theres something quite hilarious about how serious this game takes its narrative only for it to be juxtaposed by some the most insane stereotypes of african people that ive ever seen in a video game. its like the comedic moments in RE4 story but cranked up to 10 its insane. it plays very similar to RE4 so from a gameplay standpoint i already knew i was gonna like it. in terms of replay value its definitely very high up for me.

    sidenote: this might have my favorite mercenaries mode, i spent like a good 3 hours on it the other day. also the lost in nightmares dlc is pretty cool. really felt like playing RE1 remake but in third person view.

    RE5 is literally one of the funniest games ever made

    If it ever got a remake, it will never be as funny unfortunately