  • Dec 4, 2021

    People stopped f***ing with the best rappers on planet earth like that. Pop took over

  • Dec 4, 2021
    4 replies

    the south

  • Dec 4, 2021

    the south

  • Dec 4, 2021
    2 replies

    In the late 90's, there was a trend in NY rappers tapping into Southern beats and sounds to appeal to wider demographics.

    "Big Pimpin" was the beginning of the end so to speak. Then, 50 Cent was putting on some fake Southern accents while rapping over West Coast/non-boom bap production with his first 2 albums when he was on top of the world.

    Even Swiss Beatz sound was very untraditional for NY standards when he was working with DMX and others.

    This paved the way for many rap fans, including from NY, to veer away from the traditional boom bap/jazzy/mellow NY sound and the style of rapping that often comes with it and it allowed for the more melodic/clubby sounding music comng from the South to take over the scene.

    Then, you also have the fact that most of those Smack DVD spitters that were supposed to "have next" had ZERO crossover appeal. And the 3 who had the biggest potential(Saigon, Max B, Stack Bundles) kept delaying projects, got locked up, and died respectively. Then, when we finally get commercial NY rappers(Nicki, ASAP, French) they bite the hell out of the South which doesn't help at all lol.

    I also feel Wayne calling himself the "Best Rapper Alive" plays a role because Wayne was huge and had the "raw lyricist" energy combined with melody and Southern sonics. This made Wayne invincible to a degree that most NY rappers who couldn't balance the two together weren't.

  • soulja boy

  • Dec 4, 2021

    the south

    This and 50 cent’s fall off after the Ye album versus

  • also people stopped caring about writing dope 16 bars and preferred catchy hooks/good beats

  • Dec 4, 2021

    legends got killed and people got bored with street raps over boom bap

    south and west coast slid in with a new sound and NY hasn't had a real star since

  • Dec 4, 2021

    Juelz not ever turning into the star he was supposed to on a mainstream level

    50 beefing with everyone

    Gun laws/stop and frisk/crackdown on the d*** game like dude in Video said if this is vid I think it is, kills off the d*** funded independent trap label which is subtly how the south has maintained dominance for years lol = no NY based club records

    But mainly until drill second life, no one had created a post trap sound for NY the way Mustard did for LA or how all of southern trap is indebted to 3 6. Harry Fraud the closest thing but niggas don’t be f***ing wit him for whatever reason. He shoulda been NY’s DJ Mustard

  • Dec 4, 2021

    Also the crabs in the barrel mentality in NY

  • Dec 4, 2021

    Lots of competitiveness turned into just hating on whoever was at the top instead of working with them

  • Dec 4, 2021
    2 replies

    New York was down bad when Troy Ave was getting primed as the "next big thing out NY" at one point. We did get All About the Money out of him though.

  • Dec 4, 2021

    I find ATL and LA both come linage where are lot of the artists is affiliated with each other, NY doesn’t really have that

  • Dec 4, 2021
    1 reply

    Radio being on bs and not embracing local stars. NYers realized the only way to get play on NY airways was to sound like you were from somewhere else. That's why most of the popping NY rappers these days sound like they from down South

  • Dec 4, 2021
    1 reply

    Radio being on bs and not embracing local stars. NYers realized the only way to get play on NY airways was to sound like you were from somewhere else. That's why most of the popping NY rappers these days sound like they from down South

    I remember 50 Cent ethered Ebro and told him exactly what you just said and I don't think Ebro even had a response.

    Edit: Just in regards to the 1st sentence.

  • Dec 4, 2021
    Smacked Voodoo

    New York was down bad when Troy Ave was getting primed as the "next big thing out NY" at one point. We did get All About the Money out of him though.

  • Dec 4, 2021
    1 reply
    Smacked Voodoo

    New York was down bad when Troy Ave was getting primed as the "next big thing out NY" at one point. We did get All About the Money out of him though.

    Yea out of everyone that's been primed for that position, I drew the line at him. Dude had potential in the early 2010s but just got way too corny dissing Pro Era

  • Bobby_96

    I remember 50 Cent ethered Ebro and told him exactly what you just said and I don't think Ebro even had a response.

    Edit: Just in regards to the 1st sentence.

    Ebro been a clown. He still hardly has a response to it to this very day. Most he'll say is "Well I have my own other radio show with Apple Music" like nigga NOBODY is tryna hear that s***, and they shouldn't have to go on Apple Music for that when the nigga is a damn radio host

  • Dec 4, 2021

    Yea out of everyone that's been primed for that position, I drew the line at him. Dude had potential in the early 2010s but just got way too corny dissing Pro Era

    It’s crazy

    He was on thin ice with the weirdo rapper s*** but that s*** killed off all his momentum at a time where rap was moving on from the blog era/2000’s leftover type rappers anyway lol

  • Dec 4, 2021
    1 reply

    They crowned the wrong niggas as king

    Troy Ave was their last hope

  • Dec 4, 2021
    2 replies

    New York rap scene is just in a sorry state of affairs. Like drill's hype, but ain't nobody really tryna hear that in the club. Pop Smoke was the only one who knew how to find an accessible balance. Even then he was moving towards something more melodic. The non-drill songs that play in the club from local NYC artists are...not good and they don't even sound like they're from NY.

  • Dec 4, 2021

    50 cent

  • Dec 4, 2021
    1 reply

    They crowned the wrong niggas as king


    Troy Ave was their last hope

    Son what is this video