  • Jan 10, 2020
    4 replies

    And don’t do marketing, you’ll hate your life.

  • Jan 10, 2020
    1 reply

    We’ll probably always need electricians and there are some decent 2-year programs you can do.

  • Jan 10, 2020
    1 reply

    Cybersecurity, highest in demand

  • Jan 10, 2020
    frank 2022

    And don’t do marketing, you’ll hate your life.

    f*** that's actually my passion

  • Jan 10, 2020
    frank 2022

    And don’t do marketing, you’ll hate your life.


  • Jan 10, 2020

    Pretty much all STEM degrees eventually

    At least this is how it is in my country.
    They're the highest paid degrees.
    But like people already mentioned, if you have other interests then don't go this route just for the green. I did it and eventually changed course, was a good experience tho.
    Social, Education and Health Jobs will also be in upcoming demand in the future due to automatization, question is 'tho if companies and public services will raise the salarys (which they actually should imo).

  • Jan 10, 2020

    A computer science degree will give you the best return on investment.

  • Jan 10, 2020


  • Jan 10, 2020

    Pretty much all STEM degrees eventually

    Eh, some of my fellow Bio kids just sitting 😖

  • Jan 10, 2020
    2 replies

    blue collar jobs will never fade away and the youth are being funneled into college so there is a need for new talent.

  • Jan 10, 2020

    f*** a degree, a union job>>>

  • Jan 10, 2020
    bitch mob

    blue collar jobs will never fade away and the youth are being funneled into college so there is a need for new talent.

    i meant to ask why marketing is not good

  • Jan 10, 2020
    1 reply
    frank 2022

    And don’t do marketing, you’ll hate your life.

    why not marketing

  • Jan 10, 2020
    1 reply
    CNA Lov3ly

    Nursing. But what do I know

    With nursing you get a pay upgrade like every 1-2 years with each degree.

    CNA - $13/HR (4 weeks of school)
    LPN - $20/HR (1 year)
    ADN - $25--35/HR (associates degree 2 years)
    BSN - $35 - 40/HR (bachelor's degree 4 years)
    MSN - $40 - 50/HR (master's degree 6 years)
    CRNA - $60-70/HR (doctorate 8 years)

  • Jan 10, 2020
    2 replies
    CNA Lov3ly

    With nursing you get a pay upgrade like every 1-2 years with each degree.

    CNA - $13/HR (4 weeks of school)
    LPN - $20/HR (1 year)
    ADN - $25--35/HR (associates degree 2 years)
    BSN - $35 - 40/HR (bachelor's degree 4 years)
    MSN - $40 - 50/HR (master's degree 6 years)
    CRNA - $60-70/HR (doctorate 8 years)

    man f*** going to school past a bachelors lol, especially a doctorate

    im out after 4 years

  • Jan 10, 2020
    2 replies

    Cybersecurity, highest in demand


  • Jan 10, 2020
    1 reply

    Highly depends on school, ranking, region, etc

    A Harvard History major has a better shot at working at Goldman Sachs than a finance major from North Dakota State

    Computer Science majors outside of big tech hubs are typically depressed programmers or it tech

    Engineering is good in the south, tech hubs, cities but you will hit a ceiling in terms of salary. Oil and Gas engineering is good, but you will work in the middle of nowhere unless it's at a big O&G firmp

    Accounting is great for job security, but unless you have Big 4 experience, you won't get far as fast

    Finance majors are only good at top ranked schools with Investment Banking or Consulting recruiting

    Marketing Majors typically become account managers for a sales company making 50-70K for their entire career unless they reach a management position

    MBA is a waste of money if it's not ranked within the top 25, 30 is pushing it

    Most masters degrees are wastes of time and money unless it's required for the job

    From a pure future perspective - STEM will always be a great skillset, but that doesn't mean every STEM major is making a lot of money. The job market is very tough and competitive for high paying jobs

  • Jan 10, 2020



  • Jan 10, 2020


    security and cloud are where it's at in technology right now

    only problem with security is it's hard to get into.

  • Jan 10, 2020
    bitch mob

    blue collar jobs will never fade away and the youth are being funneled into college so there is a need for new talent.

    It's true but this also means majority of these blue collared jobs give you barely any time outside of work. I know a professor who told me how happy he was to transition out of that once your not as young anymore and it becomes more demanding

  • Jan 10, 2020

    man f*** going to school past a bachelors lol, especially a doctorate

    im out after 4 years

    plus tuition is least in florida it is.

    financial aid is going to cover like my first 4 years. no student loans. free grant money

  • Jan 10, 2020
    1 reply

    man f*** going to school past a bachelors lol, especially a doctorate

    im out after 4 years

    would you really want to quit at $35 an hour? 4 more years and you'd be making $130k for the rest of your life. why not finish it out

  • Jan 10, 2020
    CNA Lov3ly

    would you really want to quit at $35 an hour? 4 more years and you'd be making $130k for the rest of your life. why not finish it out

    i guess im just not in the nursing mindset

    people in cs typically dont do their masters or phd unless its for fun, they want to do management, they want to go into a specialized field or they want to teach.

    fortunately its pretty simple to move up in the tech field without further education. just experience and connections

  • Jan 10, 2020

    why not marketing

    If you really want to it’d probably be fine. But from my experience it’s just the most mundane research, and then desperately stretching the truth to get people to buy something based on that research. And it’s super transparent.

    There may be marketing jobs out there that are honest and fun, but I haven’t experienced any. I’m in graphic design so ive had to work with marketing firms and go to marketing meetings and it can be pretty pathetic sometimes.

  • Jan 10, 2020

    Liberal arts
