Fam that gorilla is gonna split your body in half and use both parts as Hulk gloves to fight other animals
Hulk Gloves LMAOOOO
bjj could help you take out a pitbull. You'll get f***ed up in the process but assuming your jujitsu is good+ you lift, youll be good
now with regards to any of the animals in OP, nah you're getting f***ed up
best way to fight big dogs is by shoving your hand/arm down their throats and trying to choke them out actually
sounds weird but yeah. ppl even killed big cats like that
Fam that gorilla is gonna split your body in half and use both parts as Hulk gloves to fight other animals
Spoken like someone who'd just let any old animal B**** him
best way to fight big dogs is by shoving your hand/arm down their throats and trying to choke them out actually
sounds weird but yeah. ppl even killed big cats like that
yeah I assume a rnc could take out a pitbull nicely
A hippo will f***ing DEMOLISH you. You do NOT know what you are talking about. For how long exactly do you think you can run for 19 mph? You better rethink your strategy or take out some life insurance, bucko.
Hippo cant run routes like Humans, im breaking a Hippo ankles and running in for a TD
Fam that gorilla is gonna split your body in half and use both parts as Hulk gloves to fight other animals
Gorilla is basically just another person bro but dumber
If it’s their turf then I can use tools better than them. Use environmental weapons better. If it’s my turf it’s over for him
yeah I assume a rnc could take out a pitbull nicely
just hope it doesnt turn around on you and pass guard
just hope it doesnt turn around on you and pass guard
imagine it lockjaws your balls, might as well just kms after that LOL
imagine it lockjaws your balls, might as well just kms after that LOL
yeah that would be a wrap
Do I have my glock on me?
for how long tho? like 5 5min rounds ufc style? 30 sec? a day?
to quote you this animal "wants to kill me" so why would it stop before it accomplishes its task? presumably it would also fight until death. in which case to survive it means you have to kill it.
holy f*** man put some EFFORT into a thread like this
Imagine putting effort in a ktt thread just answer the question hoe!
None of those killing me and a couple of those I’d be able to kill myself
Hardest one to kill is probably the hippo. Elephant and gorilla I can kill. Grizzly would be second hardest after the hippo but he’s not killing me. Nothing that can only run in a straight line killing me.
Just gotta befriend the gorrila and you good
None. The toughest animal I could realistically take 1 v 1 is a coyote or maybe a single wolf
One thing I learned over the past week is that humans are actually stronger than chimps. So add one of them to the list of animals I could take
what makes you think humans are actually stronger than chimps?
no way youre beating a chimp though im sorry
what makes you think humans are actually stronger than chimps?
no way youre beating a chimp though im sorry
“There’s this idea out there that chimpanzees are superhuman strong,” says Matthew O’Neill at the University of Arizona in Phoenix. Yet his team’s experiments and computer models show that a chimpanzee muscle is only about a third stronger than a human one of the same size.
This result matches well with the few tests that have been done, which suggest that when it comes to pulling and jumping, chimps are about 1.5 times as strong as humans relative to their body mass. But because they are lighter than the average person, humans can actually outperform them in absolute terms, say O’Neill.
Elephant > Bear > Hippo > Gorilla. I think all of these animals would easily kill tf out of any human. I'd pray the elephant just step on me and make it quick
You're posting this like I'm supposed to be embarrassed. And please don't misrepresent my argument. It's not that I could just walk up and beat a gorilla. Its, in a life or death scenario, there is no way I would let a gorilla kill me.
Hippo cant run routes like Humans, im breaking a Hippo ankles and running in for a TD
amari cooper style baby
“There’s this idea out there that chimpanzees are superhuman strong,” says Matthew O’Neill at the University of Arizona in Phoenix. Yet his team’s experiments and computer models show that a chimpanzee muscle is only about a third stronger than a human one of the same size.
This result matches well with the few tests that have been done, which suggest that when it comes to pulling and jumping, chimps are about 1.5 times as strong as humans relative to their body mass. But because they are lighter than the average person, humans can actually outperform them in absolute terms, say O’Neill.
they are still just absolutely vicious, even if a smaller one isnt stronger than a bigger human like people think. and idk how much "outperforming them in absolute terms" really matters in a fight to the death like that instead of just a weightlifting competition or something
Depends on the setting. Gorillas can’t swim so if there is a body of water around then easily gorilla. Otherwise, if there is a tree I can climb, then hippo or elephant. If it’s on an empty plain and I am unarmed, there is no chance to survive any of the four.
what makes you think humans are actually stronger than chimps?
no way youre beating a chimp though im sorry
@02Shaq im sorry shaq but this motherfucker is dogging ur ass any day of the week