It came from weed lingo. Originally it was used to describe tree that wasn't gas but also wasn't reggie. It's average. Then white people on the Internet got a hold of it and it lost its meaning as all slang they got a hold of does
It came from weed lingo. Originally it was used to describe tree that wasn't gas but also wasn't reggie. It's average. Then white people on the Internet got a hold of it and it lost its meaning as all slang they got a hold of does
I apologize for my people’s actions, from Houston and still can’t get over white boys online butchering the definition of a simp
not good, but you have an insecurity problem that prevents you from coherently explaining why you feel that way
Ever read Goldilocks? All mama bears s*** was mid; her bed , her porridge, her motion in her lil ass shack, all mid.
People are not slick too, because when they talk about a artist they don't like. They'll say:
Like bro just say it's trash