Pretentious: attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed.
Pretentious in terms of the artist to me is just an artist who is overly ambitious and confident but lacks the skills to back it up and deliver a well executed body of work. Jaden Smith, and post ALLA Rocky are good examples of that.
Pretentious when it comes to the audience for me is moreso just synonymous with elitism or being a hipster. So fans who s*** on more popular or traditional music just because it's popular or not pushing boundaries
see this to me is the kind of dumbass im talking about. this guy says that music that is just existing is somehow pretentious. like they just throw this word around and don’t even know what it means or have their own stupid definition for it.
by no metric is DG pretentious. they literally just make their art and don’t bother anyone about it, you can choose to listen to it or not. they don’t exaggerate its importance or try to come across as better than anyone else. when they’re interviewed about their music they don’t try to make it into a bigger deal than it actually is, they just talk about their art and that you can listen to it if you want and if you don’t like it that’s fine. how the f*** is that pretentious
it being difficult for you to understand doesn’t make it pretentious, you’re just stupid/close minded/conservative/immature or whatever it is. you don’t have to like it or even understand it, but that doesn’t make it pretentious. if anything people like this are pretentious for exaggerating the importance of their opinions in their “objective” appraisal of what the essence of someone else’s art is. you’re no better than some anti-art republican at that point.
watch a meathead call me pretentious for even writing out this post.
sounds pretty pretentious to me
Pretentious in terms of the artist to me is just an artist who is overly ambitious and confident but lacks the skills to back it up and deliver a well executed body of work. Jaden Smith, and post ALLA Rocky are good examples of that.
Pretentious when it comes to the audience for me is moreso just synonymous with elitism or being a hipster. So fans who s*** on more popular or traditional music just because it's popular or not pushing boundaries
okay yeah jaden is for sure pretentious personified in an artist lmfao.
but i think the difference is that jaden doesn’t seem to actually do the work to make his music better and is so high on his own supply that he thinks like he’s making this masterpiece level s*** when he isn’t, and then goes around like that’s the case, talking it up and s***.
attitude is the most important factor when it comes to something being pretentious or not for me. if jaden were just putting out the same albums and being cool about it, that would make him a lot less pretentious in my eyes. i mean the music would still be corny as f***, but at least he wouldn’t be a pretentious a****** about it
sounds pretty pretentious to me
yeah, that’s because you’re dumb, as i explained
yeah, that’s because you’re dumb, as i explained
calling people who call your pretentious music pretentious dumb/immature/conservative is pretty pretentious ngl
pretentious is just another buzzword thrown around online to criticize something vaguely without actually making a discernible point
isn’t any different than how niggas talk about s*** not having “replay value” or something being “woke”
okay yeah jaden is for sure pretentious personified in an artist lmfao.
but i think the difference is that jaden doesn’t seem to actually do the work to make his music better and is so high on his own supply that he thinks like he’s making this masterpiece level s*** when he isn’t, and then goes around like that’s the case, talking it up and s***.
attitude is the most important factor when it comes to something being pretentious or not for me. if jaden were just putting out the same albums and being cool about it, that would make him a lot less pretentious in my eyes. i mean the music would still be corny as f***, but at least he wouldn’t be a pretentious a****** about it
Yeah i agree, if he just dropped them as they are and moved on with it then it's whatever.
But statements like these,
calling people who call your pretentious music pretentious dumb/immature/conservative is pretty pretentious ngl
anything i don’t like is pretentious
no it isn’t, and you don’t know what the word pretentious even means, clearly, and don’t care to find out. but people who celebrate and revel in their own ignorance and self importance like you are actually pretentious.
you call everything pretentious because you think it’s beneath you, the most pretentious possible way to be. simple as. cry about it bozo
Very overused word in music discourse
As far as I can tell, it can describe art that thinks it's deeper and more important han it actually is. Both super mainstream music and the most underground music can be guilty of this.
But this doesn't mean music is pretentious because it's artsy or conceptual. It's a case by case basis and quite subjective because if you find great meaning in something, it's hard to deny someone of that
Very overused word in music discourse
As far as I can tell, it can describe art that thinks it's deeper and more important han it actually is. Both super mainstream music and the most underground music can be guilty of this.
But this doesn't mean music is pretentious because it's artsy or conceptual. It's a case by case basis and quite subjective because if you find great meaning in something, it's hard to deny someone of that
this, you hit it right on the head. certain mfs like the dude ive been replying to throw the word at anything that requires even the slightest openness of mind to get into or anything they don’t like, that and “mYsTeRiOuS mUsIc”. s*** is disgusting. it’s just being anti-art and they deserve to be called out
Pretentious is when you try too hard to get your creative point across without letting the music naturally speak for itself
Aka when people embellish too much and are basically begging people to "get it"
anything i don’t like is pretentious
no it isn’t, and you don’t know what the word pretentious even means, clearly, and don’t care to find out. but people who celebrate and revel in their own ignorance and self importance like you are actually pretentious.
you call everything pretentious because you think it’s beneath you, the most pretentious possible way to be. simple as. cry about it bozo
i dont think anything is beneath me you love to make assumptions when someone has a different opinion than u
i just dont like their music and the way people glaze it in a pretentious way as if other music is invalid
youre essentially proving my point about their fans to begin with lol
this, you hit it right on the head. certain mfs like the dude ive been replying to throw the word at anything that requires even the slightest openness of mind to get into or anything they don’t like, that and “mYsTeRiOuS mUsIc”. s*** is disgusting. it’s just being anti-art and they deserve to be called out
Yeah that s*** is exhausting so I rarely bother to engage with that mindset
I think a great example is fans that over a***yze every little detail of an artist because of who the artist is. Stuff like this for example: this is actually ridiculous.
On the flip side, I do think the word gets overused and thrown around by anyone trying to s*** on something that’s deemed “artsy”
this is not being pretentious it’s just being a f***ing idiot
i dont think anything is beneath me you love to make assumptions when someone has a different opinion than u
i just dont like their music and the way people glaze it in a pretentious way as if other music is invalid
youre essentially proving my point about their fans to begin with lol
im just going off what you’re saying and how you’re acting.
that doesn’t make their music pretentious, that makes those fans pretentious a******s. how are you not making this connection. death grips themselves are not pretentious and their music is not inherently pretentious by any metric of pretension, no matter how much you whine and call it pretentious because you don’t get it. i’m not even a big fan of them like that at least not anymore, haven’t listened to them in years, but it’s clearly not for you and you don’t like it, and as i already said, that’s fine and you can leave it at that and we wouldn’t have a problem.
but you’re just like those pretentious fans arrogantly dismissing all their music as “pretentious”. you’re literally invalidating it just like they invalidate “all other music” according to you. you’re exactly what you claim to be against and you don’t even see it.
im not proving your point at all, wtf unlike you and them, i don’t consider any music “invalid” aside from the most shameless AI slop made for money.
The first artists that comes to mind is Jaden Smith and Prince (massive Prince fan here).
Lyrically, they both had this tendency of saying the most surface level bullshit and acting like they’re tapped into a higher frequency of knowledge. Real goofy stuff to me.
im just going off what you’re saying and how you’re acting.
that doesn’t make their music pretentious, that makes those fans pretentious a******s. how are you not making this connection. death grips themselves are not pretentious and their music is not inherently pretentious by any metric of pretension, no matter how much you whine and call it pretentious because you don’t get it. i’m not even a big fan of them like that at least not anymore, haven’t listened to them in years, but it’s clearly not for you and you don’t like it, and as i already said, that’s fine and you can leave it at that and we wouldn’t have a problem.
but you’re just like those pretentious fans arrogantly dismissing all their music as “pretentious”. you’re literally invalidating it just like they invalidate “all other music” according to you. you’re exactly what you claim to be against and you don’t even see it.
im not proving your point at all, wtf unlike you and them, i don’t consider any music “invalid” aside from the most shameless AI slop made for money.
youre still assuming tho
i didnt say anyones music was invalid
What I hate is when people use “pretentious” to define less-accessible music. You don’t have to care for it but to completely right it off as artsy-fartsy hoopla is a bit silly to me.
Yeah if you don’t agree with me I automatically assume you’re dumb. I literally have the best music taste in the USA. Maybe aboard as well. A lot of people love to quote that drake line but it really is true for me, it says A LOT about you if you’re not feeling me. A lot.
The first artists that comes to mind is Jaden Smith and Prince (massive Prince fan here).
Lyrically, they both had this tendency of saying the most surface level bullshit and acting like they’re tapped into a higher frequency of knowledge. Real goofy stuff to me.
are you talking about s*** prince said about his own music or just about random s***? because i’d disagree in the former case but otherwise yeah he could say some silly stuff lol. wouldn’t call him overall pretentious though
youre still assuming tho
i didnt say anyones music was invalid
im not assuming at all, you’re not following me. you’re calling it pretentious, which is a form of invalidation, just like these imaginary fans you have in your head are insulting and belittling other music you presumably like. nice job addressing literally anything else i said btw