  • Nov 10, 2024
    1 reply

    I agree. But he was still guilty of coming across as pretentious at times. Especially in his later career.

    he was wildly innovative and revolutionized pop many times over, i think his sense of self importance was warranted, i don’t think he’s really pretentious

    if Thom wanted to pop his s*** off on other bands he very well earned it many times over with Radiohead, it’s the same way i feel about Kanye when he goes on his rants and starts talking s***

  • Nov 10, 2024
    Water Giver

    there is no pretentious music

    only pretentious fans

  • Nov 10, 2024

    and as an aside there is nothing about Death Grips that is pretentious dawg lol, literally one of the most grassroots DIY bands out there

    they have a d*** as a cover of one of their albums

  • Nov 10, 2024

    Yeah it's mostly the fans

  • Nort 💫
    Nov 10, 2024
    2 replies

    he was wildly innovative and revolutionized pop many times over, i think his sense of self importance was warranted, i don’t think he’s really pretentious

    if Thom wanted to pop his s*** off on other bands he very well earned it many times over with Radiohead, it’s the same way i feel about Kanye when he goes on his rants and starts talking s***

    I’m not gonna argue his greatness, because I agree with you. But the guy would stop parties and concerts at paisley park to lecture others on God and how we need to bring “real music” back.

  • Nov 10, 2024
    1 reply

    I agree. But he was still guilty of coming across as pretentious at times. Especially in his later career.

    i think if you provided some examples we could better see what you mean, because im really starting to understand that pretentiousness is definitely way overused and is also extremely subjective.

    like the definition being “affecting greater importance than one/a work actually possesses” who gets to decide what is important? you might post some lyrics that i don’t think are pretentious at all, because i find the things they’re talking about important or i find them impressive or appealing for some other reason. i guess you could find me pretentious at that point, but then i would just think you’re kind of a close minded mouthbreather like kodak spice lmfao. not saying you would do that of course

    that’s why i feel like calling any art pretentious is mostly unhelpful, because it often boils down to “i don’t like this” and at its worst “i don’t understand this so it’s bad and pretentious”. again not saying that’s what you’re doing, just food for thought

  • Nov 10, 2024

    I’m not gonna argue his greatness, because I agree with you. But the guy would stop parties and concerts at paisley park to lecture others on God and how we need to bring “real music” back.

    i can see the charge there

  • Nov 10, 2024
    1 reply

    I’m not gonna argue his greatness, because I agree with you. But the guy would stop parties and concerts at paisley park to lecture others on God and how we need to bring “real music” back.

    idk if i’d say that’s pretentious, that just comes off like hateful conservatism which he absolutely possessed when he was JW. those were things he actually believed were important you know? it wasn’t fake, it was something he was passionate about, even if he wasn’t very open minded about it.

  • Nov 10, 2024

    Whoever said Jaden earlier itt nailed it. He’s very pretentious and so was XXX, and I say that as a fan of both

  • Nort 💫
    Nov 10, 2024
    1 reply

    i think if you provided some examples we could better see what you mean, because im really starting to understand that pretentiousness is definitely way overused and is also extremely subjective.

    like the definition being “affecting greater importance than one/a work actually possesses” who gets to decide what is important? you might post some lyrics that i don’t think are pretentious at all, because i find the things they’re talking about important or i find them impressive or appealing for some other reason. i guess you could find me pretentious at that point, but then i would just think you’re kind of a close minded mouthbreather like kodak spice lmfao. not saying you would do that of course

    that’s why i feel like calling any art pretentious is mostly unhelpful, because it often boils down to “i don’t like this” and at its worst “i don’t understand this so it’s bad and pretentious”. again not saying that’s what you’re doing, just food for thought

    I get what you mean.

    Honestly, I think you could reasonably call this song, and the majority of this album, pretentious. Dude named it “The Truth”.

  • Nov 10, 2024
    2 replies

    easily one of the best albums of the year

    yall call something pretentious when you don’t have the palette to consume it

    yall deem things pretentious out of insecurity lol

    “dont have the pallete to consume it”
    thats what im talking about baby

  • Nort 💫
    Nov 10, 2024
    1 reply

    idk if i’d say that’s pretentious, that just comes off like hateful conservatism which he absolutely possessed when he was JW. those were things he actually believed were important you know? it wasn’t fake, it was something he was passionate about, even if he wasn’t very open minded about it.

    I think the part that actually makes it pretentious is that he was genuine in those moments.

  • Nov 10, 2024
    1 reply

    I get what you mean.

    Honestly, I think you could reasonably call this song, and the majority of this album, pretentious. Dude named it “The Truth”.


    oh man you really threw a curveball give me a sec to listen to this again, i do like this album tho

  • Nort 💫
    Nov 10, 2024

    oh man you really threw a curveball give me a sec to listen to this again, i do like this album tho

    great album. ‘Don’t Play Me’ is my fav.

  • Nov 10, 2024
    2 replies

    I think the part that actually makes it pretentious is that he was genuine in those moments.

    i get what you mean but is that really pretension?

    pretension to me seems like it needs to have a prerequisite of like… fakeness? like they’re aware of what they’re doing and they’re doing it to impress you. “attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed” so being inauthentic. if he really believes those things is that actually pretentious?

  • Nov 10, 2024
    2 replies

    i get what you mean but is that really pretension?

    pretension to me seems like it needs to have a prerequisite of like… fakeness? like they’re aware of what they’re doing and they’re doing it to impress you. “attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed” so being inauthentic. if he really believes those things is that actually pretentious?

    I think you can genuinely believe what you’re saying and still be pretentious

  • Nort 💫
    Nov 10, 2024
    1 reply

    i get what you mean but is that really pretension?

    pretension to me seems like it needs to have a prerequisite of like… fakeness? like they’re aware of what they’re doing and they’re doing it to impress you. “attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed” so being inauthentic. if he really believes those things is that actually pretentious?

    I don’t read it the same.

    I think he wants you to think he’s “broken out the matrix, and sees the world for how it truly is!”. And that’s real to him. Does it most likely come from a place of insecurity and projection? Probably. But I don’t think pretentiousness is supposed to be inauthentic. That would sorta satirize it, I think.

  • Nort 💫
    Nov 10, 2024
    Free YoungBoy

    I think you can genuinely believe what you’re saying and still be pretentious

  • Nort 💫
    Nov 10, 2024

    XXX is another good example of a super pretentious artist holy s***

  • Nov 10, 2024

    “dont have the pallete to consume it”
    thats what im talking about baby

    he’s right though. where mfs get stuck is that they prolly think the palette is unchangeable, when it isn’t. also actual pretentious music fans think they’re better than others and that people are NPCs who listen to nothing but coworker music and will never evolve… they’re both wrong. we’re all human being who change and grow with time and experience. there’s no reason the average person can’t develop their palette to enjoy more ostensibly difficult music

    there’s a difference between listening to something, not liking it, saying it’s not for you etc and moving on, and listening to it and arrogantly declaring it’s bad or “pretentious” because you don’t understand it, and a lot of the time they do that because they’re insecure about not “getting it”. and i do think a****** pretentious music fans contribute to that

  • Nov 10, 2024
    1 reply

    I don’t read it the same.

    I think he wants you to think he’s “broken out the matrix, and sees the world for how it truly is!”. And that’s real to him. Does it most likely come from a place of insecurity and projection? Probably. But I don’t think pretentiousness is supposed to be inauthentic. That would sorta satirize it, I think.

    what if he’s consciously trying to JUST save people or spread his beliefs? like there’s no selfish egotistical motivation in it at all. dictionary definitions aren’t necessarily the end be all, but when i read it the operant phrase there for me is “attempt to impress”. that really does imply some fakery or inauthenticity imo

    how can you really know whether he’s attempting to impress people? you could argue from his later leaving of the faith that he was sort of putting it on more than he truly felt it in his heart, but you could also say that was more just cope for how s***ty he felt in that time of his life, not necessarily trying to impress people so that they think he’s smarter or more important than he actually is.

    i promise you im really not trying to go through whatever mental gymnastics to avoid calling prince pretentious, especially because i already admitted he has been lol. this is just a fascinating convo that i think should be had

  • Nov 10, 2024
    1 reply
    Free YoungBoy

    I think you can genuinely believe what you’re saying and still be pretentious

    i guess so, like you can use your genuine beliefs to try and impress people by making them or you seem better or more important.

  • Nort 💫
    Nov 10, 2024
    1 reply
    · edited

    what if he’s consciously trying to JUST save people or spread his beliefs? like there’s no selfish egotistical motivation in it at all. dictionary definitions aren’t necessarily the end be all, but when i read it the operant phrase there for me is “attempt to impress”. that really does imply some fakery or inauthenticity imo

    how can you really know whether he’s attempting to impress people? you could argue from his later leaving of the faith that he was sort of putting it on more than he truly felt it in his heart, but you could also say that was more just cope for how s***ty he felt in that time of his life, not necessarily trying to impress people so that they think he’s smarter or more important than he actually is.

    i promise you im really not trying to go through whatever mental gymnastics to avoid calling prince pretentious, especially because i already admitted he has been lol. this is just a fascinating convo that i think should be had

    I suppose we can’t fully know where he was coming from. But I assume you wouldn’t argue someone if they said the lyrics in that song is pretentious, right? This is all subjective at the end of the day, but regardless of what was true to Prince, and his motivations — I think you can reasonably say he came across as pretentious.

    Nov 10, 2024

    Snippet over official track gooners

  • Nov 10, 2024

    i guess so, like you can use your genuine beliefs to try and impress people by making them or you seem better or more important.

    Yeah. Like when Yachty made that psych album after listening to DSOTM for the first time. He genuinely thought he was better and more ahead of the game than other rappers
