  • Oct 19, 2021
    1 reply
    · edited

    but yea regardless of if everyone in america speaks english learning a second language benefits you cognitively so i wouldn't be opposed to requiring it even earlier than the mandated 2 years in high school, the current FL classes are a sham

    edit: also helps build cultural awareness and i think it would do ALOT of americans some good to have the experience of being misunderstood/unable to communicative in their second language

    We already spend all of elementary school going over the same concepts of the native Americans and colonists. We can just get rid of that and learn about foreign culture instead

  • Oct 19, 2021
    1 reply

    oh LMAO im dumb.

    nah its nothing to be jelly about i was just a weeb in college man.

    if you're a student i encourage you to start studying because that's the best time, if you work you can obviously still study but limited time will always be a gate to your progress and life just sucks in that way :/

    I found a japanese teacher online that migrated to my country (greece) and she basicaly was breaking how the pronounciation is much closer to my native language (you know the more ''bold'' way using vowels compared to soft spoken and silent english)

    And I work part time at a moving company and a cleaning crew so I have no excuse {^_^} (sounds wack for a person over 25 but )

  • Oct 19, 2021
    1 reply

    I found a japanese teacher online that migrated to my country (greece) and she basicaly was breaking how the pronounciation is much closer to my native language (you know the more ''bold'' way using vowels compared to soft spoken and silent english)

    And I work part time at a moving company and a cleaning crew so I have no excuse {^_^} (sounds wack for a person over 25 but )

    hey man nobody can just what ur doing in ur life but u, if ur happy ur happy.

    and yea japanese pronunciation is suuuuuper easy, good luck brother

  • Oct 19, 2021
    3 replies

    Above all i feel america is an easy target

    Like we have our problems but literally all the major social movements originate from here. The point is we actually talk about our s*** and bcus of the sheer numbers of minorities here we make it known (i.e BLM movement exploding last year)

    Like so what white Europeans may speak two languages they still wayyyyyyy more racist than people here lmaoo

  • Oct 19, 2021
    3 replies

    Immigrant kids living in Canada laughing in Trilingual

  • ghosting ®️
    Oct 19, 2021

    Immigrant kids living in Canada laughing in Trilingual


  • Oct 19, 2021

    hey man nobody can just what ur doing in ur life but u, if ur happy ur happy.

    and yea japanese pronunciation is suuuuuper easy, good luck brother

    thanks fam

  • Oct 19, 2021

    We already spend all of elementary school going over the same concepts of the native Americans and colonists. We can just get rid of that and learn about foreign culture instead

    Hey, I don't disagree. I probably would have thought it was weird as a kid but I would have appreciation for it now if I was taught Spanish/Spanish culture for example from elementary school on, definitely more than most of the advanced mathematics I will never use

  • Oct 19, 2021
    1 reply

    Immigrant kids living in Canada laughing in Trilingual

    How did you learn French? Did you learn it in an immersive environment (subject content taught entirely in French: like math, science, ect) or did you study French as a Foreign Language and your teacher taught in English?

  • Oct 19, 2021

    What if 2pac was still alive? What of Lil Wayne? What of him then?


    So hungey would love some medonals rn

  • Oct 19, 2021

    Immigrant kids living in Canada laughing in Trilingual

    Canadians are underratedly linguistically diverse

    Ive even met 3rd gen white italians who could actually speak italian

  • Oct 19, 2021
    1 reply

    Above all i feel america is an easy target

    Like we have our problems but literally all the major social movements originate from here. The point is we actually talk about our s*** and bcus of the sheer numbers of minorities here we make it known (i.e BLM movement exploding last year)

    Like so what white Europeans may speak two languages they still wayyyyyyy more racist than people here lmaoo

    Nothing can make up for being a racist misanthrope

    I dont think any form of education justifies it or makes it okay

    I would never trust a racist doctor or lawyer even if we were raised on the same block

    and europeans like myself...we are forced to learn a s*** ton of languages to be able first of all to travel and second to keep up with you evolution-wise

  • Oct 19, 2021
    1 reply

    How did you learn French? Did you learn it in an immersive environment (subject content taught entirely in French: like math, science, ect) or did you study French as a Foreign Language and your teacher taught in English?

    Almost every Canadian school gives the option for Immersion. So one day, it’ll be full English, one day it’ll be full French courses. And then in High School, you can choose whether your courses are taught in EN/FR (science, chem, gym, entrepreneurship, etc).

    Since coming to Canada, my parents always put me in balanced bilingual immersion programs.

    Any parents who don’t put their kids into bilingual immersion are literally telling them “look, idc if you never have a federal job or can become PM”

  • Oct 19, 2021
    1 reply

    Nothing can make up for being a racist misanthrope

    I dont think any form of education justifies it or makes it okay

    I would never trust a racist doctor or lawyer even if we were raised on the same block

    and europeans like myself...we are forced to learn a s*** ton of languages to be able first of all to travel and second to keep up with you evolution-wise

    Idk what you’re arguing

    Point is on an individual level europeans on average are more racist and xenophobic lmao

  • Oct 19, 2021

    Above all i feel america is an easy target

    Like we have our problems but literally all the major social movements originate from here. The point is we actually talk about our s*** and bcus of the sheer numbers of minorities here we make it known (i.e BLM movement exploding last year)

    Like so what white Europeans may speak two languages they still wayyyyyyy more racist than people here lmaoo

    Terrible post

  • Oct 19, 2021
    2 replies

    Almost every Canadian school gives the option for Immersion. So one day, it’ll be full English, one day it’ll be full French courses. And then in High School, you can choose whether your courses are taught in EN/FR (science, chem, gym, entrepreneurship, etc).

    Since coming to Canada, my parents always put me in balanced bilingual immersion programs.

    Any parents who don’t put their kids into bilingual immersion are literally telling them “look, idc if you never have a federal job or can become PM”

    That's interesting. I'm studying FL acquisition (specifically English) so I always found the French immersion programs interesting, since you guys are really the only place that does it that way.

    How do you feel about your ability in French? Obviously fluent, but do you feel any limitations? Like, would you be comfortable attending a French university and taking classes in French?

    A lot of the research I've read suggests that immersion program students become super communicatively competent (basically able to talk with no issue to anybody) but struggle when it comes to formal grammar/writing rules, so I was curious how you felt about it in that regard.

  • Oct 19, 2021
    Zach LaBeam

    Asians gonna surpass Latinos in America by 2065

    Wow Imma mark that in my calendar

  • Oct 19, 2021
    1 reply

    @YANDHI you speak it right? any tips
    once i get better can i practice with you

    Honestly just memorizing as many words and phrases as you can goes the longest way like any language. Actually write characters down and equally practice all forms (speaking, listening, writing, reading).

    Idk if you're looking to start with a class/tutor or alone but having someone around who's native will get you into their flow. Even if its a native you made friend with. Mimic them.

    the only real catch about the language are tones and writing characters (both won't be big hurdles over time). Chinese does not have a lot of the s*** i find complicated about other languages like gendered words, conjugations, etc...

    Def down to practice. i need to get back into it myself its been a few months. I'm advanced still tryna push to fluency. I'll prob need to spend time in China before i close that gap (Immersion is important too if possible). i can try to hit you with basic resources i might know of. lot of people on youtube have good advice too

  • Oct 19, 2021

    That's interesting. I'm studying FL acquisition (specifically English) so I always found the French immersion programs interesting, since you guys are really the only place that does it that way.

    How do you feel about your ability in French? Obviously fluent, but do you feel any limitations? Like, would you be comfortable attending a French university and taking classes in French?

    A lot of the research I've read suggests that immersion program students become super communicatively competent (basically able to talk with no issue to anybody) but struggle when it comes to formal grammar/writing rules, so I was curious how you felt about it in that regard.

    Definitely not enough to attend university because most anglophones in a bilingual city like montreal dont even have the skills for french uni or even solely french highschool so immersion in a place like ontario, where that poster is from, usually gets people to like passive communicative level.

    Ive spoken to immersion kids from Ontario in french and they speak about as well as me who for 3 years learnt independently through passive study and real life semi-immersion

  • Oct 19, 2021
    · edited

    Idk what you’re arguing

    Point is on an individual level europeans on average are more racist and xenophobic lmao

    You said ''europeans speak 2 more languages but are wayyyy more racist''

    so I said that education has no connection to racism

    plus like I JUST said no european learns a language thinking ''nice! now I can use the n** word and s*** on america'' lmaoo

    most businesses inside and outside america use english branding so cause we are FORCED to learn what you were taught as toddlers we laugh at you for b****ing when you are requested to learn French / Spanish / Italian or any dialect that WILL make your lives easier

  • Oct 19, 2021
    2 replies

    Above all i feel america is an easy target

    Like we have our problems but literally all the major social movements originate from here. The point is we actually talk about our s*** and bcus of the sheer numbers of minorities here we make it known (i.e BLM movement exploding last year)

    Like so what white Europeans may speak two languages they still wayyyyyyy more racist than people here lmaoo

    Now ur just saying stuff bro

  • Oct 19, 2021
    1 reply

    Now ur just saying stuff bro

    The so called anthropologist

  • Oct 19, 2021

    Now ur just saying stuff bro


    Bro Europeans are casually racist to a level thatll surprise u

  • Oct 19, 2021

    The so called anthropologist

    My point is that learning languages doesn’t automatically make people tolerant, there’s like 0 link because multilingualism is common in asia and europe and they sure as hell are xenophobic af over there. Diversity is the main driver of a tolerant place imo

    This whole thread is just another cheap “huh huh Americans are dumb” disguised post

  • Oct 19, 2021
    1 reply

    english the best language of all time