I can’t find any pictures for some reason
you didnt go man
you just think you did
wake up
Still his best song
He has some ones I like more
i went to a jay rock concert so i went through my camera roll to show proof and magically i took no photos or videos...
this must be a psy op from TDE
It unfolds…
Prolly still eating off of Win and King’s Dead living comfortable
I hope him and Q drop soon tho
Win had a lot of placements guy probably lives comfy regular life off that
Is Jay Rock even a real person? Has anybody on this website met him?
Yeah i randomly met him in Anaheim one time and told him about Burgers Never Say Die. Can say he likes burgers
Yeah i randomly met him in Anaheim one time and told him about Burgers Never Say Die. Can say he likes burgers
Post proof of this
Some rappers are fine living off royalties
Streaming made it so small-mid sized artists like jay rock never have to drop
Hes makes an estimated 56,000 A MONTH from streaming royalties if the $7k per million number is accurate even then, lower that to 10k a month. Some people are just happy doing nothing
I respect it
Guess we know who bought that red charger from Top then
Still his best song
Thumbnail reminds me of this
W thread. Redemption was a solid project ngl. It's been too long since he dropped fr fr.
How the hell does TDE not have at least one artist that drops consistently?
How the hell does TDE not have at least one artist that drops consistently?
@FREE had a theory on this
Last thing I heard from him he was talking about the plandemic and microchips in the vaccine lmao