  • Jan 5, 2022

    3.15.20's and Donda's covers make perfect sense and are fitting for the albums lol. Yes, it's "lazy", but folks just want rehashed, super maximalist artsy covers a la MBDTF like they're fanfics.

    Album covers aren't just for you to stare at your vinyl that you're never gonna listen to.

    He was probably in a very different space after his dad passed and instead of scrapping the album he released it in it's current state with no album art and the date as the title.

    Album sounded unfinished to me too.

  • p r o v i d e r

    anyways i'm gonna post some covers that i loved in the last couple years "mainstream or not"

    Yeah, these are nice.


    Folks can't think critically for one second on this site to consider that art is beyond just their limited POV lol

    If we had it this thread's way, Kanye would be rehashing George Condo album covers and the Weeknd would be doing gloomy "I'm so sad" self-portraits until the end of their careers

    boring generalization

  • Jan 5, 2022

    Nintendo hire this man

  • Jan 5, 2022
    1 reply

    aged fantastically tbqh

  • Jan 5, 2022
    1 reply

    nah cause it actually made sense with the album content lol.

    No, it didn't lol.

  • Jan 5, 2022
    1 reply
    p r o v i d e r

    anyways i'm gonna post some covers that i loved in the last couple years "mainstream or not"

    Titles of 3rd and 5th ones?

  • Jan 5, 2022

    Plugs I met 2 fire

  • Jan 5, 2022
    1 reply

    No, it didn't lol.

    how would you know, you don't listen to music for the music lol.

  • thegreatdivine

    It's very lazy and bad.

    agree i couldn't believe we got that after tpab

  • WRU

    aged fantastically tbqh

  • Benny the Butcher Datpiff comparison gave me flashbacks of them unofficial OF compilations/tapes

    Also Carti cover art is actually great, and fits perfectly in it’s era

  • Jan 5, 2022
    1 reply

    This is like top 5 covers of the decade (if you factor in being iconic)

  • Well when has Gunna ever had a good album cover?

  • Jan 5, 2022
    1 reply

    As someone that initially hated it, CLB album cover makes perfect sense.

  • Jan 5, 2022

    OP is 100% correct

  • Jan 5, 2022
    1 reply

    That cover is amazing. Try again.

  • Jan 5, 2022
    1 reply

    It's really a simple ass question I asked you. Which of those two do you prefer? The fact that you avoided it with some "Well, art is subjective" s*** shows that you just wanna argue to argue. Really not tryna read all these words because you can't admit one picture would make a better album artwork than another

    I answered your question, you just expected me to say the first one was better because it had some sketches on it lol.

    I prefer the second one if you want a binary answer, because that's what Gambino's vision for the album was.

  • Brav

    Titles of 3rd and 5th ones?

    yves tumor - the asymptotical world ep

    haim - women in music pt. iii

    great stuff, dig in

  • Jan 5, 2022

    I dont trust any of yall to know a cool piece of album art from the s***stains you leave on the toilet bowl

  • Jan 5, 2022
    1 reply


  • insertcoolnamehere

    how would you know, you don't listen to music for the music lol.

  • L thread L take L taste L personality L existence

  • Jan 5, 2022

    Gunna cover is extremely well done

    you can not like it, but don’t act like it doesn’t take skill to execute
