Not too familiar with their music but if Feel Good Inc and Rhinestone Eyes don't make you feel something, you're dead inside
Also Dare
Self titled is amazing and the g sides and d sides albums are great too
I know a few songs off self titled but I need to listen in full. I'll check of g sides and d sides too
But there is much better music out there
I think the gimmick is a big part of the appeal, if people cared about the music that much they would listen to better music
because they disagree that there's much better music
Gorillaz is known for their creative genre blending style, the big switches from album to album, their frequent collaborations, all while making what people consider to be some classic albums. s/t, demon days, and plastic beach are considered classics.
I know a few songs off self titled but I need to listen in full. I'll check of g sides and d sides too
Some truly incredible music on these 3 very unique
because they disagree that there's much better music
Gorillaz is known for their creative genre blending style, the big switches from album to album, their frequent collaborations, all while making what people consider to be some classic albums. s/t, demon days, and plastic beach are considered classics.
This makes no sense to me
I remember as a kid watching MTV and the way Gorillaz marketed themselves as a real cartoon world pull me in. The music was good too obviously but there’s a world behind the characters that’s pretty rich/deep
I haven't really dived into their discography but Feel Good Inc and Rhinestone Eyes
FEEL Good!
honestly feel bad for your taste being so f***ing TikTok-ified that you can no longer appreciate one of the greatest artists of the 21st century
Crazy how people were just interacting with this guy like a normal music sxn troll
All while they had no idea what he was doing
It could really be anyone
I remember as a kid watching MTV and the way Gorillaz marketed themselves as a real cartoon world pull me in. The music was good too obviously but there’s a world behind the characters that’s pretty rich/deep
i always remember mtv spinning the feel good inc music vid every morning when my mom was getting me ready for school, i was like 6-7 years old and i was in awe, that's exactly when i became a fan
i always remember mtv spinning the feel good inc music vid every morning when my mom was getting me ready for school, i was like 6-7 years old and i was in awe, that's exactly when i became a fan
Was it mtv or adult swim, gorillaz had little random commercials?
Was it mtv or adult swim, gorillaz had little random commercials?
not sure about commercials just remember seeing the feel good inc vid a lot