Op be sucking up cops but is disgusted over a roach? Make it make sense
Bro please
Hardest thing for me to swallow is that hard pill of admitting I be playing myself a lot of times.
i listen to my own beats, cook my own food. why shouldnt i swallow my own cum?
i listen to my own beats, cook my own food. why shouldnt i swallow my own cum?
You're eating your own children you monster
Remember swallowing a fly once when I was a child, immediately threw up tho. I've also had the innards of a lot animals
When I was younger me and my cousins would play “fear factor”
Each of us had to eat/drink one full bite or one full sip of a concoction made by the rest of us
Mayonnaise hot sauce ranch lemon juice milk cereal deli meat butter bird seed garlic etc were used
If we swallowed we won money
I had a bee fly into my mouth while riding my bike while once
I just said ahh so it could fly out
It felt furry and tasted sweet and it buzzed around a little while
I had a bee fly into my mouth while riding my bike while once
I just said ahh so it could fly out
It felt furry and tasted sweet and it buzzed around a little while