It's cause Hov doesn't really translate well to younger audiences like that. He has zero sense of melody, hasn't had a true hit since Niggas In Paris, and his features over the past decade have been very hit or miss with some like "What's Free" being incredible while others like "Love All" and "Sorry Not Sorry" being mid for a heralded GOAT.
Then you got the perpetual d***riding from (especially NY based) media that has made him this flawless GOAT for years even though Hov's GOAT status post retirement is debatable. The Verzuz discussion where hip hop media seriously thought he could "wash" Wayne or Kanye is proof of how out of touch many older hip hop heads in the media are imho. Then you have the same media heads talking about how Nas has "one hot album every 10 years" while acting like Jay's catalog is so consistent
That said, Hov is definitely top 10 DOA to me and has a claim for being the GOAT for sure. And I agree that the disrespect from younger and non-East Coast rap fans is getting out of control. But you gotta understand that Hov's impact outside the East Coast post retirement hasn't been as big as what hip hop media will have you believe.
to u it may be disrespect but to MyBallsAndMyWord it's seeing the light for the snake that jay is
which side u on
It's cause Hov doesn't really translate well to younger audiences like that. He has zero sense of melody, hasn't had a true hit since Niggas In Paris, and his features over the past decade have been very hit or miss with some like "What's Free" being incredible while others like "Love All" and "Sorry Not Sorry" being mid for a heralded GOAT.
Then you got the perpetual d***riding from (especially NY based) media that has made him this flawless GOAT for years even though Hov's GOAT status post retirement is debatable. The Verzuz discussion where hip hop media seriously thought he could "wash" Wayne or Kanye is proof of how out of touch many older hip hop heads in the media are imho. Then you have the same media heads talking about how Nas has "one hot album every 10 years" while acting like Jay's catalog is so consistent
That said, Hov is definitely top 10 DOA to me and has a claim for being the GOAT for sure. And I agree that the disrespect from younger and non-East Coast rap fans is getting out of control. But you gotta understand that Hov's impact outside the East Coast post retirement hasn't been as big as what hip hop media will have you believe.
Spot on but Love All is a tier above mid imo. Solid I would say.