  • XCX Spice 🙄
    Oct 9, 2023

    like LEMONADE is easily my favorite Beyonce album ever, i typically throw on 4 or her self-titled because it’s easier to listen to, lots of bangers, it’s just generally a more accessible listen and isn’t as emotionally heavy as LEMONADE is

    doesn’t mean LEMONADE isn’t my favorite album from her

    self-titled is my fav. ofc i love the other two albs u mentioned

  • Oct 9, 2023
    1 reply
    XCX Spice

    if im turning on my speaker to unwind from work, or driving somewhere, or whatever other reason i listen to MUSIC, how does it not make sense for me to prefer MUSIC i wanna LISTEN TO

    MUSIC, audio art. designed to be listened to. if i wanna LISTEN to it, it plays in my head all day, i think about it, dissect it, appreciate it, enjoy it. im not tryna be lectured about state of affairs and real scholarly s*** all day. im tryna get thru the motions of life and enjoy what i have without constant existential crises

    im not saying it doesn’t make sense to not listen to music you want to listen to, im just saying you don’t need to constantly bump something for it to be one of your favorite albums Kodak Spice

  • XCX Spice 🙄
    Oct 9, 2023
    1 reply

    im not saying it doesn’t make sense to not listen to music you want to listen to, im just saying you don’t need to constantly bump something for it to be one of your favorite albums Kodak Spice

    how can my favorite audio art designed to be listened to be something that i dont wanna listen to be better than other things i wanna listen to? ur point isnt adding up

    i feel like people wanna sound like critics and just go off how adept the lyrics and content is rather than the enjoyability of the music itself. its also why i dont understand ppl who bump sad music all day. i aint tryna bask in the overwhelming burden of existence

  • Oct 9, 2023
    1 reply
    XCX Spice

    how can my favorite audio art designed to be listened to be something that i dont wanna listen to be better than other things i wanna listen to? ur point isnt adding up

    i feel like people wanna sound like critics and just go off how adept the lyrics and content is rather than the enjoyability of the music itself. its also why i dont understand ppl who bump sad music all day. i aint tryna bask in the overwhelming burden of existence

    not all music is made to be listened to unwinding from work or just chilling out

    no one is going to throw on Mr. Morale/TPAB if they just wanna chill out, because it’s a very content heavy album, that doesn’t mean simply because you can’t play it in any setting that the music is somehow inferior to music that you can do that with is all im saying generally

    that post wasn’t even really aimed at you, it was mainly for the dudes on here who try to base an album’s ranking on how replayable it is, i don’t even think “replay value” is a good metric to begin with if im keeping it a buck

  • XCX Spice 🙄
    Oct 9, 2023

    not all music is made to be listened to unwinding from work or just chilling out

    no one is going to throw on Mr. Morale/TPAB if they just wanna chill out, because it’s a very content heavy album, that doesn’t mean simply because you can’t play it in any setting that the music is somehow inferior to music that you can do that with is all im saying generally

    that post wasn’t even really aimed at you, it was mainly for the dudes on here who try to base an album’s ranking on how replayable it is, i don’t even think “replay value” is a good metric to begin with if im keeping it a buck

    dawg we arguing in circles at this point

  • Oct 9, 2023

    Case by case

    Can't not compare albums due to context

    Filler can be compensated in some cases

  • Oct 9, 2023

    anyways my general barometer is something like whether or not the album has cohesive production, it’s entertaining and it’s executed well, i prefer artists that take care with their lyrics so they get bonus points from me if they have wordplay or some sort of substance going on in the project

    i don’t try to judge an album based on whether or not it has “filler” kinda sorta because filler seems like a catch-all term for just tracks you don’t like, if it’s obvious there are songs on the album that were just thrown on there to pad out runtime though that s*** isn’t good