genuinely want to leave sometimes...
this is one of those times.
Thankfully I have a lot of people that care about me and I wouldn't want to bring that sadness to them
Thankfully I have a lot of people that care about me and I wouldn't want to bring that sadness to them
respect it mane.
there's a lotta records to sample, i just cant miss that
Also legacy is the only thing that matters in life
It's the only reason you even know about anybody
imagining the anxiety before killing yourself
imagine not getting mega f***ed up beforehand
imagining the anxiety before killing yourself
Yeah i would have to be f***ed off my ass on something to be able to do it
it would hurt i think
Deciding to live for my Dream and what I want in life, aswell as a mild curiosity in whether the world is gonna pull through or go completely downhill. Tbh I'm apathetic to my existence a lot of the time, when it comes to living the only real route for me is to strive to live how I truly want to. The other option for me would be to just dip out, I'm not about the middle ground for this particular issue atleast
I've thought about it so many times, but there are equally as many things I want to accomplish before I go. I think it's a refusal to die rn rather than I me just feeling ok.
not sure if any of you relate, but stay strong soldiers. we're not dead yet.
My mother and siblings rely on me heavily. If I didn’t have them to worry about I would have took myself out the game already.