me too but dont forget no bad how bad things are every second here is is a second you’ll never have again when youre gone
all the most painless ways are hard to pull off
If you dont want to really hurt yourself, you don’t really want to die yet.
Keep goin man 💕
I got some nice s*** that I ain't had time to enjoy yet. And there is even more nice s*** in life that I want, before I end it all.
black ppl dont kill themselves no matter how bad it gets
Dumbest s*** i've read all day and this coming from a black person
Dumbest s*** i've read all day and this coming from a black person
oreos dont count
oreos dont count
he says with an avi of an artist only listened to by teenage white women while posting on a kanye west forum
sorry i'm not insecure enough about my race to call people oreos. black people aren't a monolith that all act the same.
he says with an avi of an artist only listened to by teenage white women while posting on a kanye west forum
sorry i'm not insecure enough about my race to call people oreos. black people aren't a monolith that all act the same.
only the most acclaimed female artist of the year no big deal. have fun killing urself tho. cant relate
only the most acclaimed female artist of the year no big deal. have fun killing urself tho. cant relate
You just gonna glide over your racist thought of all black people having to think the same huh and cite WHITE critics for validation of your music opinion?
You just gonna glide over your racist thought of all black people having to think the same huh and cite WHITE critics for validation of your music opinion?
i was actually calling white ppl weak but you betcha