  • Feb 7, 2022

    Nip hurts too because of where it happened. In his hometown serving his community. You know it's f***ed up even when cops are mourning his death.

  • Feb 7, 2022
    2 replies

    A half oz of coke a week? That’s wild

    Bro plug was a family friend and he had been selling that s*** since I was like 12 and he was charging me 90 dollars a ball. And I'm talking really good s***. And he wasn't even into selling yay anymore he was turning that s*** into crack but would hold some balls for me every week cus he knew I would cop. He locked up now which is f***ed up to say, it saved my life cus idk if I would've stopped.

  • Feb 7, 2022

    Mac for sure. Hard to listen to Swimming/Circles without thinking of how much he had ahead of him

  • Feb 7, 2022
    2 replies

    Mac Miller. Still hard to listen to some of his music

    Bro lowkey anytime I hear his music I feel a somber ass feeling. I haven't put him on at all. Its always other people or even out in public. S*** just feels like a wicked ass reminder.

  • Feb 7, 2022

    Pop Smoke

  • Feb 7, 2022

    I’ve come to terms with it but dammit if Macs death didn’t shake me like no other. He was the first celebrity since Michael Jacksons death I ever felt anything for.

  • Feb 7, 2022

    Pop Smoke was the next one man

  • Feb 7, 2022

    X by far

    Then Mac, I have my own relationship with d**** and addiction so based on his lyrics it’s just something that ... happens. Some people get through this and a lot don’t. His positive demeanor and the fact that he was obviously a good, empathetic dude, makes it hurt so much cause it shows most beautiful souls be going through the hell that is depression, or whatever his struggle was.

  • Feb 7, 2022
    1 reply

    DOOM. Still feels surreal.

    DOOM dying was surreal af cus that year was really s***ty for me. And I remember the day I found out I was snorting coke and I also found out that day that I had covid and that my legit fav rapper died. All on new years.

  • Feb 7, 2022
    Carl Sweatpants
    · edited

    Bro plug was a family friend and he had been selling that s*** since I was like 12 and he was charging me 90 dollars a ball. And I'm talking really good s***. And he wasn't even into selling yay anymore he was turning that s*** into crack but would hold some balls for me every week cus he knew I would cop. He locked up now which is f***ed up to say, it saved my life cus idk if I would've stopped.

    A lot of people get sober cause their plug dries up

  • Feb 7, 2022

    Listening to songs like this f*** me on the regular. Like if you listen the lyrics it's like he knew he was gonna die. There are so many examples of this in his catalog.

  • Feb 7, 2022

    im starting to come to terms about nipsey

    im still in denial about drakeo and dolph..

  • Feb 7, 2022
    Carl Sweatpants

    Bro lowkey anytime I hear his music I feel a somber ass feeling. I haven't put him on at all. Its always other people or even out in public. S*** just feels like a wicked ass reminder.

    I’m the opposite. I find comfort in playing his music day to day. He’s gone in the physical, but he’s always gonna be here in the musical.

  • Feb 7, 2022
    Carl Sweatpants

    Bro lowkey anytime I hear his music I feel a somber ass feeling. I haven't put him on at all. Its always other people or even out in public. S*** just feels like a wicked ass reminder.

    It's his lyrics. I mean on "Someone Like You" he says "that fentanyl it numb me, turn you into a junkie" that s*** is haunting to hear everytime.

  • Feb 7, 2022
    Carl Sweatpants

    DOOM dying was surreal af cus that year was really s***ty for me. And I remember the day I found out I was snorting coke and I also found out that day that I had covid and that my legit fav rapper died. All on new years.

    I remember everyone was highly skeptical about it at first or misinterpreted what the message from his wife was saying. The word "transitioned" threw people off.

    When he was announced dead, it was draining. All sorts of rappers and artists were mourning and Lupe was on Clubhouse crying and claiming how much he impacted him.

  • Feb 7, 2022
    Carl Sweatpants

    Bro plug was a family friend and he had been selling that s*** since I was like 12 and he was charging me 90 dollars a ball. And I'm talking really good s***. And he wasn't even into selling yay anymore he was turning that s*** into crack but would hold some balls for me every week cus he knew I would cop. He locked up now which is f***ed up to say, it saved my life cus idk if I would've stopped.

    Damn that’s wild, glad you’re clean now tho

  • Feb 7, 2022
    1 reply

    I was too old to have the connection to X or Juice that some of yall do but man I can imagine being younger and being f***ed up at how they went out. So young too.

  • Feb 7, 2022

    Waking up to the Peep news broke my heart.
    Woke up to a zachfox tweet saying rip, with the gym class video attached. Now listening to that song brings me to tears

  • Feb 7, 2022

    I was too old to have the connection to X or Juice that some of yall do but man I can imagine being younger and being f***ed up at how they went out. So young too.

    What was weird is I remember legit crying and my girl was like what's wrong. And I told her that x got killed and that I wasn't a fan but the idea of him getting killed was so sad too me. Idk why. It was just such a strange idea too me. Like how they going kill dude. It just f***ed me up. Same with nip.

  • Feb 7, 2022

    Dolph still don’t sit right with me

  • Feb 7, 2022


  • Illermatic 🛰️
    Feb 7, 2022

    DOOM Mac

  • Feb 7, 2022

    DMX, Dolph, Chinx

  • Feb 7, 2022

    Pop for sure

    X was that for me for a while but atleast he had a chance to blow up big and be successful for a couple years.

    But Pop was like in the cusp of blowing up in the mainstream and his life was just taken away like that smh

  • Feb 7, 2022

    Also it's wild cause Pop's streaming numbers still crazy af. He really was gonna be a mega star. We were robbed. Like it was cruel at least everyone else got to actually see the full extent of their career blowing up.
