  • Jan 21, 2020
    1 reply
    Sunny Sun

    Because he died in his prime, he was a decent artist

    Way more than a decent artist. Stop being ignorant

  • Jan 21, 2020

    rather than accusing me of baiting, can we please get a discussion going? ive never heard tupac say anything and thought to myself "wow that was quite the profound bar" and granted i used to eat sleep and breathe "dust rap".

    It’s not for you. Different wavelengths

  • Jan 21, 2020
    codeine crazy

    weak troll

  • Jan 21, 2020

    He was rapping gangster s***t

  • OP
    Jan 21, 2020
    1 reply

    i feel like youngboy is basically pac if he could actually rap.

  • Jan 21, 2020
    1 reply

    Because he was both very gangster and very educated. Which is just rare in general especially these days.

  • Jan 21, 2020

    i feel like youngboy is basically pac if he could actually rap.

  • OP
    Jan 21, 2020

    Because he was both very gangster and very educated. Which is just rare in general especially these days.

    thank you for your input

  • Wild how people can listen to the first verse of Me against the world, or his performance on records like holla at me and not see the genius

    “I’m headed for danger,
    Don’t trust strangers,
    Put one in the chamber whenever I’m feeling this anger,
    Don’t wanna make excuses,
    Cause this is how it is what’s the use unless we’re shooting no one noticed the youth,
    It’s just me against the world”

    Like those are poignant bars about the young nigga that is still so relevant today. This is what rod wave Roddy rich youngboy try to accomplish today that pac was doing in 93’

  • Jan 21, 2020
  • Jan 21, 2020
    1 reply
  • Jan 21, 2020

    One of my favorite Pac songs

  • Jan 21, 2020

    i hope OP isnt serious

  • Jan 21, 2020
    1 reply

    It's not that Pac was some kind of lyrical shmyrical Kool G Rap type of rapper, it's that he was a musical revolutionary that made songs and cultural contributions that were earth-shatteringly impactful.

    His influence extends far beyond just music too -- he really lived to stand against the system. What rapper nowadays would use the guns they brag about and flash in snap stories to shoot corrupt police? Pac really popped off at two pigs that were unjustly antagonizing a brother and was acquitted.

    In the era of hashtag slacktivism and lazy acknowledgements of oppression and struggles through superimposing flags over profile pictures or changing your instagram avi, you got to appreciate a brother that was really about that life.

  • OP
    Jan 21, 2020

    It's not that Pac was some kind of lyrical shmyrical Kool G Rap type of rapper, it's that he was a musical revolutionary that made songs and cultural contributions that were earth-shatteringly impactful.

    His influence extends far beyond just music too -- he really lived to stand against the system. What rapper nowadays would use the guns they brag about and flash in snap stories to shoot corrupt police? Pac really popped off at two pigs that were unjustly antagonizing a brother and was acquitted.

    In the era of hashtag slacktivism and lazy acknowledgements of oppression and struggles through superimposing flags over profile pictures or changing your instagram avi, you got to appreciate a brother that was really about that life.

    you write very well. also thanks for ur input.

  • I think pac being a social martyr and this revolutionary is such an overblown part of his story.

    IMO he’s not that at all. The music though was damn good and he’s the greatest of all time because the music was that damn good.

  • Jan 21, 2020


  • proper 🔩
    Jan 21, 2020

    mans really said biggie cool but he just be spelling his name..

  • Jan 21, 2020
    1 reply

    Having trouble trying to figure out why so many consider him to be one of the greatest rappers ever. Like wow he was the first to rhyme hennessy with enemies.

    He showed people both sides of the coin.

    While he was rapping about getting money. f***ing b****es and being a the same time he showed us the negative side of being a thug

    he made songs like ''Ambitions as a ridah'' but at the same time made songs like ''When thugs cry''...he made songs like ''Hit em up'' but at the same time made songs like ''Until the end of time''

    tldr: he was one of the first multi-dimensional rappers...he had a lil bit of everything..songs to ride to, songs to cry to.

  • OP
    Jan 21, 2020
    1 reply

    He showed people both sides of the coin.

    While he was rapping about getting money. f***ing b****es and being a the same time he showed us the negative side of being a thug

    he made songs like ''Ambitions as a ridah'' but at the same time made songs like ''When thugs cry''...he made songs like ''Hit em up'' but at the same time made songs like ''Until the end of time''

    tldr: he was one of the first multi-dimensional rappers...he had a lil bit of everything..songs to ride to, songs to cry to.

    Wow this is exactly how i feel about young thug. Although I cant listen to a single tupac song without cringing, thanks for your words. I feel them in a very different capacity.

  • Jan 21, 2020

    Wow this is exactly how i feel about young thug. Although I cant listen to a single tupac song without cringing, thanks for your words. I feel them in a very different capacity.

    90s aint for everyone, you don't have to be ''real'' or ''woke'' to like it.

    and yeah, I f*** with thug heavy too. he prolly got the best understanding of melodic songs / catchy flows

  • Jan 21, 2020

    KTT1 tier thread

  • Jan 21, 2020

    need this remastered asap