bruh those go so hard relax
no they don't
Used to get spanked with a switch and a spatula.
That mf switch tho
Nintendo switch? dam, you young asf
I hit my sister. She told our parents.
Next thing I know my mom and dad are chasing me around the house with a crossbow and a katana
A long time ago, I was at my old Jamaican friend's house at a cookout. I accidently stepped on dog s*** in the backyard without knowing.
So, I stepped into the house with the dog s*** in my shoes and I just noticed the stains on the floor. His older aunt stared me down, cursed me out in Patois, then smacked the life out of me with a metallic belt.
It was the most painful punishment I've ever had in my life. Even my own family was like "Wtf" when they found out about it.
Did your parents say anything to them?
Did your parents say anything to them?
My mom talked to my friend's mom about it. Friend's mom just said that the aunt was crazy and strict af and that she had no part in it which is true.
I wasn't really injured or anything like that but it was crazy. And I think my friend's mom talked to the aunt about it.