I’m f***ing 60 years old on the second mission
that's tuff. Ima get this game eventually. Curious to see if it's as tough as people say it is.
that's tuff. Ima get this game eventually. Curious to see if it's as tough as people say it is.
I got it down to 30 after two more tries.
seems like this game is a mix of jet li's rise to honor and absolver from the combat system. i'm gonna wait until may to get the physical copy but the game definitely looks dope.
finally beat Sean but im in my early 40s now lol
Better get that age down cuz you’re gonna need it later on……
second run = dead to the botanist
this s*** is gonna make me lose my mind fr
its so fun tho cant put it down
bruh imagine all the speedrunners and no hit runners that are gonna be grinding this s*** for 5k hours
mfs gonna look like batman out here
ight got my warehouse age to 24 but red track pants motherfucker in the club beats my ass everytime
but im getting better lets goo
Better get that age down cuz you’re gonna need it later on……
yeah i know. i was just happy to beat that nigga lol and i wanted to see the museum level
beat the botanist with 23, found all clues except one (don't know about that private room before the boss area) I don't get it why when I revive I get 'one skull less' or something like that, what's the meaning behind that
just found out that after finding some clues you can start the level from the beginning and can take shortcuts got the access card from the apprentice in the Club level and now I can skip the fight with the 2 big guys
finished first stage. at age 31 already 😞
Oh naw bruh go back and do it again lmao
It’s a bit clunky IMO but I’m only like an hour and a half in.
It has the vibe of Sekiro but you stick with that because the mechanics feel so expertly crafted, you know it’s working on 10/10 game design and that it’s just well put together and that you’re experiencing something tested and perfected
This feeling clunkier kinda gives it a cheaper and less enjoyable feeling bc you don’t have faith or trust in what you’re going through
Exactly this. S*** is up in the air when it comes to dodges. You’re fighting with the camera 70% of the time too.