this thread is just classic rock bait fr
I actually love the instrumental but I cant stand the vocals on this s***
anything beastie boys or the smiths. also africa by toto & do they know it's christmas have this patronizing air about africa that i've found offputting
vogue by madonna. just reeks of cultural vulture tourism and whitewashing
maybe i'm real by jlo. n-word drop is cringe, she can't sing and ultimately it shud've just been an ashanti track
Do u like 90s beasties?
Do u like 90s beasties?
never saw the appeal in them and dont plan on starting
hate to say it (cause im mexican) but def this song
i don’t listen to old music so all of it
Do u like 90s beasties?
this video will always go hard
this video will always go hard
! whole album is so sick to me
hate to say it (cause im mexican) but def this song
! enough but I like it kinda
Worst song on the album tho
fly like a g6
Fair enough but I like it kinda
Worst song on the album tho
last part
I think people hate the culture around the song more than the song itself
I had literally never heard the song one time until the movie came out and I was like 18 so to a non biased ear I find the song hella impressive , the structure is so creative and well executed
Like the vocal performance and the production on that song is actually top tier and I was kinda shocked i went my whole life never hearing it. Id heard about it but never heard the actual song
Yeah its a great song structurally
I might be more familiar with the culture surrounding it and i cant really divorce it from that
Yeah its a great song structurally
I might be more familiar with the culture surrounding it and i cant really divorce it from that
Yeah I feel like if I grew up hearing it all the time I’d definitely feel different about it
Im honestly surprised i went so long without ever hearing it but nobody in my family has probably ever heard that song bc i brought it up to my mom before and she had never heard of that song or queen
all them dubstep ass ongs on Watch the Throne is ASS since it debut and always ruined the ablum
HAM, Who Gon Stop Me, Why i Love You and Illest Motherfucker Alive
and their delivery on them s*** is so ass its like they were embarrassed how corny it was but needed something for the white people that failed their final exam twice in college staying in their frat way past expiration
s*** is so whack from the beats to the way they rap
Yeah I feel like if I grew up hearing it all the time I’d definitely feel different about it
Im honestly surprised i went so long without ever hearing it but nobody in my family has probably ever heard that song bc i brought it up to my mom before and she had never heard of that song or queen
Yeah my dad loved that song. He loves queen in general and tbf they have some absolute bangers. Radio Gaga is one of the greatest pop songs ever
all them dubstep ass ongs on Watch the Throne is ASS since it debut and always ruined the ablum
HAM, Who Gon Stop Me, Why i Love You and Illest Motherfucker Alive
and their delivery on them s*** is so ass its like they were embarrassed how corny it was but needed something for the white people that failed their final exam twice in college staying in their frat way past expiration
s*** is so whack from the beats to the way they rap
I think Who Gone Stop Me & Why I Love You the only dubstep tracks on the album
hate to say it (cause im mexican) but def this song
! thought you were Filipino all this time