UOENO hands down
I remember the first time i heard that song. The beat had me so inspired, probably one of my top 10 all time beats
hate is a strong word but i never really got the hype for mr brightside at all
c***anthem. s*** trash
Backstreet Boyz
N Sync
Linkn Park
Britney Spears
Every Post-Grunge Band
Emo s***
I get Linkin Park distaste post Meteora but everything before that is great
trash ass song
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J91ti_MpdHA&pp=ygULYWxpY2lhIGtleXM%3DThis s*** pisses me off
Empire State of Mind also some dogshit
Annoying ass song
“U LIEED TO MEEEE” the way the nigga sings that part hurts my ears
main chick was easily better too out of the mustard era CB songs
trash ass song
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J91ti_MpdHA&pp=ygULYWxpY2lhIGtleXM%3DThis and that f***ing John legend song are my least favorite songs literally ever
lowkey same
don't hate but prolly his most overrated by a bit
This and that f***ing John legend song are my least favorite songs literally ever
That So Sick song from Ne-Yo is so corny. Nigga just turn the f***in radio off and shut the f*** up.
lowkey same
don't hate but prolly his most overrated by a bit
i just don’t like it cause it came out when my car cd changer was broken so all i could listen to was the radio and literally every station would play that song like 6x an hour
i don’t hate it cause it’s a bad song or anything like that..
this personal
That So Sick song from Ne-Yo is so corny. Nigga just turn the f***in radio off and shut the f*** up.
this a random one but i h8 ts
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AiwvPmRTv6M&pp=ygUPYmlnIHB1biBmYXQgam9lTrippin !