  • Aug 25, 2022

    objectively seems tiktok is the next wave for social media tbh
    i don't really use social media in general so i wasn't aware how insanely popular tiktok is with gen z, knew it was used but not to what degree. s*** has the entire generation tapped in like it's the matrix.

  • Aug 25, 2022
    2 replies

    Tik Tok is it. Read an article talking about how gen z primarily uses tik tok as a search engine rather than Google.

  • Aug 25, 2022
    1 reply

    i feel like VSCO should be wear IG is

  • Aug 25, 2022

    i feel like VSCO should be wear IG is

    Never broke outside the suburban yt girl demographic

  • Aug 25, 2022
    1 reply
    Mr Motion

    Tik Tok is it. Read an article talking about how gen z primarily uses tik tok as a search engine rather than Google.

    why lol?

  • Aug 25, 2022

    why lol?

    Prob find watching videos more digestible than reading articles

  • Aug 26, 2022
    Mr Motion

    Tik Tok is it. Read an article talking about how gen z primarily uses tik tok as a search engine rather than Google.

    There's some truth in that but it's a bit overstated. What's really going on is Google is being attacked on all sides for monopoly abuse by the government and using TikTok's rise is an attempted excuse for them to try and avoid lawsuits.

  • emo genghis khan

    nothing except if a mix between discord and twitter comes out

    pretty much Twitter communities

  • Discord or Twitter mod

  • Aug 26, 2022
    Smacked Voodoo

    Just looked up BeReal and this is the landing page

    Everyday at a different time, everyone is notified simultaneously to capture and share a Photo in 2 Minutes.
    A new and unique way to discover who your friends really are in their daily life.

    Not gonna lie this s*** sounds like it'd be annoying af more than anything

    Great way of doxxing yourself