What's on Your Mind

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  • I really need to write a book

  • johnnyrockefeller

    i respect capitalism and ive seen the many benefits of it to society and ultimately its the only system that worked in coherence with human nature but cant help and say that it also went and destroyed the culture, you see how many ppl with money have zero knowledge or zero culture only because they feel like I got money so thas it.... Capitalism created prosperity but destroyed the culture

    i know like 3 people with actual money pretty much everyone struggling to make s*** work

  • Apr 27
    1 reply

    Winning is the only option

  • I really wasted my Friday on this bullshit...

  • I’ve been trying to become more articulate recently. I’ve been cutting out curse words and using more creative words to achieve this goal.
    I feel like it’s working too.

  • Apr 27

    well it sure as f***ing s*** doesnt say shiv

  • You are hiding in your mind
    Working all the time
    Trying to make it better than you got it

    You been spending all your time
    Searching for a sign
    That's never gonna look the way you want it

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Apr 27
    1 reply

    This girl gave me her IG last night after eye f***ing me for a while, I follow and the first thing I see is her and her boyfriend buying a house and s***. Crazy world

  • Apr 27

    just got a letter that my car loan was denied...after ive been driving it for a month and got it registered already.
    how tf that happen when I put 10k down on a 16k car????????

  • my hate for ppl increases everyday


    This girl gave me her IG last night after eye f***ing me for a while, I follow and the first thing I see is her and her boyfriend buying a house and s***. Crazy world

    why are people NOT upfront about anything anymore ??

  • Apr 27
    1 reply

    Making friends as a handsome and talented guy, really be the hardest thing ever in your 20s

    Most guys are literally afraid of me

    Girls are too shy or will try humble you

    Convos feel very superficial or u feel like someone's is trynna use you

    It doesn't happen often tbh that I can have a normal Convo with an adult, unless their way older than me and aren't racist 😂


  • maxx


    if you were only allowed one type of consumption entertainment what would it be


  • Winter Warz

    life is difficult

    as f***

  • Apr 27
    1 reply

    these songs im working on, the melodies are so complicated and challenging, but im getting them done and its sounding like a true evolution

    art should be challenging

  • jahbreakerr

    art should be challenging

    No doubt. S***s no fun otherwise

  • Gotta stay on the right path

  • Welp.

  • f***ing sick as s***, like whats the point of a flu shot lmao

  • Apr 28

    Took adderall and discovered I’m pansexual

  • mishima 😈
    Apr 28

    Why is she asking me what she should cook when she has a man and 3 kids. Maybe ask them?

  • Am not gonna cap
    Western social media sites really upload a whole lotta crap s***

    "Flight attendant explains what happens when someone joins the mile high club"

    No wonder the west is dying and becoming boring
    It's all so f***in superficial

    And ppl be going crazy on those articles, crazy amount of responses like Jesus get a brain

  • jahbreakerr


    It's crazzyyyy

    People think pretty privilege is dope

    Lemme tell u, the only time it's dope/annoying is when people your generation are drunk af, then they'll have the liquor courage to say something

    Like I read once;
    "Being pretty is confusing, cause one day you'll have alot of compliments and the next minute, everyone will look at u like it the ugliest monster alive, making you doubt yourself, just so they could humble you"

    Ppl don't realize it, but insecure mofos strangers really go out of their way to humble u

  • Apr 28
    1 reply

    Or when a pretty girl sees you but walks nexts to her average and insecure girlfriend, the insecure one will pull the pretty one away from u cause she a jealous bitter witch

    And the average girl will give you the mean-look 🤣🤣🤣

  • And tbh, as a black man, white girls are so uncomfortable around u

    They don't know how to handle u, specially when u attractive

    That racism indoctrination so heavy in they system, in they 20s their mind is completely skewed

    They don't and just cast approach u as a fellow human

    Like I love all races, but the last year's, I've noticed my taste has grown more to African and Middle Eastern women

    Everytime I speak with those ladies, it just clicks, there's no racial mystery or anything like that

    Just 2 personalities that explore the realms of each other's colors

    That's why you'll see, alot of time over here, average black dudes will be with white girls
    But rarely do u c a really attractive black guy with a white girl

    Ow yeah the white girl will look, but really doesn't know what to do