Man I really gotta thank the toxic ppl I had in my life
Greatest lesson ever
When ya on ya way to the top, do ppl realize how important "social skills"/reading people is?
Didn't Jay Z said u gotta learn how to move in room full of a******s/vultures
Like swear no toxic folk has dared to touch me these last few yrs
Only behind my back but means they weak and scared
Like just even making eye contact with these fools is enough to shut em up
They Gon look away instantly
The older I get, the more reasonable and logical pay for play aka buying ass makes sense if you just want sex.
No games, all ass.
Or am I wrong?
U not wrong at all lol, i get that ethically that sorta thing is tricky tho
"What you doing for Valentine's day"
Saving my money and continuing being a happy bachelor for life.
Besides...ain't no simp in my blood b.
F*** love, sock it to a nigga pocket.
They rly coming to me with job opportunities in this environment? That alumni stimulus is real af
Male/female ratio in the gym today was insane
More men or women?
Who was getting it in on this lovely friday
Keep it together
Damn ma mom told me my sister is dating, first time in her life
Weird feeling
One hand idc, it's part of life
Other part of me is idk, it's weird
My mom said she and my dad don't f*** with it
Interesting new chapter in this life full of surprises
I’m starting to like my d***
that's the spirit
Ngl I hate it when folks use kids for they TikTok s***s
Like having teens pick up chicks or dissing each other etc
It's lame
U an adult, scooping for impressionable people, that WILL embarrass/make themselves look bad on camera for YOUR VIEWS AND SUBS
Teaching these kids that if they take part in such activities that that is the way to being "cool" "famous"...
How tf u even as an adult stand there and look while a 14yr old is running up to random girl on da street trynna fix a kiss or her number
Or yell ridiculous insults at a camera in the middle of a shopping street
Why ya think these "interviewers" don't ask kids that walk with they parents?
How would u look at them as a parent?
The videos are super cringe
Like I swear 80% of dem videos arent even funny
In general
I've walked past a few of those interviewers I seen online
Am always thinking;
Aye why don't u ask me to go pick up some chicks? Ow u scared I'll steal ur shine? U know it's going to work for me huh? U rather use innocent kids cause there u can pretend to be a big dawg
Learn that what u show them, is going to influence them
I hope ur daughter or something doesn't become a target of such weird ass harassment
Kids bullying each other in groups, filming it and putting it on TikTok for views
Wonder how they got that idea?