CDs are primed for a massive comeback soon. It's going to be crazy. Trying to swoop in while the prices are low
prices been getting higher i been noticing
prices been getting higher i been noticing
when you still have a CD rack with more than 200 albums >>>
CDs are primed for a massive comeback soon. It's going to be crazy. Trying to swoop in while the prices are low
No way CDs age like s***. Those book of CDs we had rotted away. Our vinyl collections are still here.
when you still have a CD rack with more than 200 albums >>>
Physically having an album is a good feeling, and idgaf if thats corny. Watching some of your favourite albums spin while appreciating the artwork that comes, also the sound quality is better
I like buying physical media and the CD is trash so I buy vinyl. I honestly love how vinyl sounds not everything sounds great ofc but some stuff sounds amazing to me.
I just like having them. The extra stuff that comes with certain pressings are dope. Also, I like the sound quality and honestly hate not playing s*** out loud
low price, convenience, can rip it to your computer and have infinite copies of it, best sound quality, the sheer abundance of them out there, 2000s revivalism
Prices are already creeping up slowly. Plus if something as inconvenient as cassettes can mount somewhat of a comeback, then CDs are bound to return the top-selling medium imo
only thing i see is the low price and 2000s revivalism. how is having infinite copies of mp3s useful in 2021?
i always wanted collect something and since i like music i started collecting vinyl
i could start collecting cd's also i already have fairly sizeable collection from childhood + inherited
I had a collection of CDs when CDs were the preferred method of listening to music. But CDs suck for reals they degrade really bad I would still have my collection if it didn't.
big artwork, warmer sound, it's a way to physically own an album, get to watch vinyl go spin
Please don’t say warmth to describe vinyl
Please don’t say warmth to describe vinyl
ok then what would you call it
collecting CDs is f***ing trash honestly
Really tho who the f*** wants to do this again??
ok then what would you call it
I know what you're talking about I get this from all the sample based hip hop especially like 36 chambers king geedorah s*** like that it's like it sounds alive or something. And then when you listen to it digitally it sounds flat
Too voliatile a format especially for new digital albums pressed to vinyl
CDs >>>
What would you say makes vinyl a volatile format??
ok then what would you call it
Tbh it’s just cringe u can say what u want but normal people that actually listen to vinyl are prolly gonna laugh at it a lil it’s like Reddit-speak
Tbh it’s just cringe u can say what u want but normal people that actually listen to vinyl are prolly gonna laugh at it a lil it’s like Reddit-speak
good thing i dont hang around elitists that would cringe at something so stupid lmfao really what else would you call it
What would you say makes vinyl a volatile format??
Terrible pressings of new albums and hearing crackle behind every second of audio, warping & defects aplenty, its like you paid for a YouTube dude to play around with the source audio
CD is a smooth authentic to studio ride in comparison