im studying how to do this gonna do long hard thinking
Do the opposite of that
its gonna take a while, just use the advice itt and trust it will happen
eh it's good advice but i wanna make the best advice for myself
what kind of friend are you looking for
you want some spongebob - patrick relationship?
what kind of friend are you looking for
you want some spongebob - patrick relationship?
yes b
Nobody wants more people to fw on a constant basis. They want specific groups they resort to when they can no longer take the torture of their solitary lives. Work buddies, bar buddies, movie buddies, gaming buddies, etc. Cultivate groups in each of these areas. They don’t even have to be anything to you other than people you tolerate, but you’ll enjoy hanging out with them in this limited and organized fashion.
Nobody wants more people to fw on a constant basis. They want specific groups they resort to when they can no longer take the torture of their solitary lives. Work buddies, bar buddies, movie buddies, gaming buddies, etc. Cultivate groups in each of these areas. They don’t even have to be anything to you other than people you tolerate, but you’ll enjoy hanging out with them in this limited and organized fashion.
im cool on those type of friends :|
Find them in places that you like to go to. You'll most likely find like-minded people there.
If you're in college it should be really easy tbh
How? I only see these people in classes, I really don't know what to talk about except academics and it seems like nobody wants to be bothered. Starting my 5th year in a few weeks and I haven't made any friends
take classes (yoga, fitness stuff)
play games (dnd and bowling/dart leagues and stuff)
socialize... go out in public, just talk
I can vouch lol. What you into tho? I’m from VA I visit a lot of art museums and local fashion shows
Cars, guns, anime, food, video games, instrumentals and stuff
Honestly in college you have a lot of acquaintances and s*** from class/parties/etc but unless you go he extra step you aren’t really going to like be friends with a lot of them. Honestly a lot of my friends I met when I lived in the dorms.
Otherwise idk just being friendly and genuine are the two things people gravitate toward. If you are reserved or insecure, people will know and probably aren’t going to like pursue that because idk first impressions are pretty lasting to most people. Just don’t try so hard to make friends or be cool, s*** hella easy to tell
Since you’re in college just make small talk in class with a random dude
“What you doing this weekend “ could go a long way but that’s after a week or so of building up an acquaintance
For me at school most of my male homies were mutuals that I would see at random parties, get a Snapchat and if you’re cool at a party they’ll invite you to stuff
How? I only see these people in classes, I really don't know what to talk about except academics and it seems like nobody wants to be bothered. Starting my 5th year in a few weeks and I haven't made any friends
Idk bro i made a lot of friends just @ the library sparking convos with people who are looking for books or whatever or going out for drinks after an exam
Also i made friends playing pickup
Or even just talking to ppl at a lecture during the break or smth when ppl go get some coffee
In my experience people are rly open to making new friends at college so try to not be too hesitant if you want to talk to somebody
If ppl keep talking about abt school maybe introduce a different topic yourself if they wont
in the same boat OP, keeping an eye on thread for advice
i'm the type of dude to take a whole other street if i see someone i 'know' walkin down the sidewalk
Cars, guns, anime, food, video games, instrumentals and stuff
Yo we talked earlier itt. How you been? Did you ever join or go to those car meet clubs? Also with instrumentals and stuff I met some dope peeps when I go to the music store to buy vinyls. Anime and video games I’ve made met all through online and I’ve met most my internet friends IRL. Not to sure on guns tho lmao. I have alotta country redneck guys that I’m cool with from my hometown that put me on to s*** like that