Hate when a song or artist name is tagged weird
Cus then I gotta go into iTunes and change it
“With” means it’s a duet, implies both artists are equally contributing and it belongs to both of them, both are top billing or coheadliners
“Featuring” means it’s the main artist’s song with an appearance from another
The only correct answer
what i dont understand is when songs are sometimes with or featuring, and other times the featured artists are just listed in the artist field
kendricks new album is a good example of this
I feel like “with” implies it’s equally both artists song, and “featuring” implies that the non featured artist is the main artist, and the featured artist is just making an appearance
pretty sure when it’s ‘with’ and both artists are considered leads it contributes to both artists monthly listeners on spotify. features don’t. but I could be wrong
The only correct answer
its not correct all the songs with "with" are features not coleads
This is what inspired this thread
These are technically ALL features lol.
yep desires and pain are both features on bilboard and apple
pretty sure when it’s ‘with’ and both artists are considered leads it contributes to both artists monthly listeners on spotify. features don’t. but I could be wrong
youre right
“With” means it’s a duet, implies both artists are equally contributing and it belongs to both of them, both are top billing or coheadliners
“Featuring” means it’s the main artist’s song with an appearance from another
yeah pretty much this