  • Aug 12, 2020

    3 weeks at Amazon I just stopped showing up

  • Aug 12, 2020

    Quit target after about a week and half
    Semi bc of life reasons semi bc I f***ing hated my life when I was there

    did that s*** for like 3 months actually wanted to kill myself

  • Aug 12, 2020
    1 reply

    My first job was McDonald’s at 15, quit the first day

  • Aug 12, 2020

    2 hours at a hospo job, Got to lunch break and told them I was going outside for a bit than dipped, knew from the first hour that the supervisor was a b****.

  • Aug 12, 2020
    1 reply

    i used to be absolutely drenched in sweat, water and chili by the end of every shift. 11 hours every f***ing day bro. the waiters/waitresses loved me cause i made their jobs mad easy

    How were those cheques were looking good though right ? Don’t get me wrong I know you were being overworked and you have your own life, I’m on your side because I’ve been through the same thing but I’m just asking

  • Aug 12, 2020

    My bro got fired on the first day of his summer job lmao

  • Aug 12, 2020

    2 months and that was back when I was a teenager and really TRIED to tough it for jobs and not give up. That f***ing fast food place had me sweating, working over hot ass stoves, dealing with rude coworkers, and not even letting me get free lunch for like $10 an hour

    Never went back to fast food again after actually

  • Hi-C 🦌
    Aug 12, 2020

    just making sure bro, get that money but always take care of yourself

    You too brother appreciate you

  • Aug 12, 2020

    Quit working at mod pizza after 2 shifts

  • Aug 12, 2020

    Yeah not doing s*** at work seems promising but it's really really tedious

    I don’t like “looking busy” if you don’t need me just let me go home

    I don’t wanna work 100% of the time either I’ll work hard or chill in the office but if I’m legit just sitting around doing nothing then just let me go home please

  • Aug 12, 2020

    I would rather be busy than in that limbo of not having s*** to do but you have to look busy or make up s*** to do

    I hate this along with wishy washy managers who always find a way for you to be wrong

    If you’re helping another area of the store cause it’s not busy in your area it’s “you’re just trying to avoid helping out in your dept” if i stay in my dept it’s “you’re not doing anything why don’t you help out another dept” hated this bs

  • Aug 12, 2020

    One month in the fields when I was a teen

  • 2 years LOL

  • Aug 12, 2020
    1 reply

    Aye Safeway real bay boy s***

    Couldn’t be me working at a Safeway although target and sprouts farmers market ain’t really any better

  • Aug 12, 2020
    1 reply

    My first job was McDonald’s at 15, quit the first day

    How was it

  • Aug 12, 2020
    1 reply

    tell me why i thought safeway was a thing all over california when i first moved to norcal for school (im from socal, so i never had safeway growing up/didnt even realize we didnt have any in socal), just to realize that safeway turns into Vons in socal

    one of the weirdest things for me

    You’d be surprised how few grocery stores there are in other parts of the country I visited my cousin in Ohio all there was was a Luckys and like maybe a vons. And across town was a Trader Joe’s

    I shop at like 5 stores all within a block from my house and go to others when I’m in other cities

  • Aug 12, 2020
    3 replies

    got a job at a sushi restaurant and was told i wasn’t getting paid in cash for my training and there we’re gonna pay me in sushi for the day. i walked out as soon as i heard that 🤦🏽‍♂️

  • Aug 12, 2020
    Chip Skylark

    How was it

    Hated it, they hardly trained me and just threw me on the register on a crazy summer day and I was f***ing everything up. 15 year old me was not having it

    Walked out on my lunch break lmaoooo

  • Aug 12, 2020

    When I was 15/16 I got a job at Best Buy for their seasonal Christmas hiring.

    I got trained on like the Sunday of the week I started, worked one day on like Tuesday, and then on Thursday it was Thanksgiving. And then I was supposed to work on Black Friday all day (obvi one of the main reasons they had seasonal hiring back then). I had some super bad food poisoning that night though, so I had to call in sick...on Black Friday

    Then a day or so later I realized that I wasn't down with the responsibility of being in high school and working, so I quit

    But a year or so later I looked like a real dumbass when the Great Recession hit and it was super difficult for anyone young to get a job

  • Aug 13, 2020

    Some tiny ass website company. Was run by a dodgy dude who had clearly pirated windows XP which crashed half the time (in 2019) and expected me to use Photoshop CS2 ... Me and the other intern quit the same day All the sites made under the company had amazing flaws with basic ass s*** like HTML and CSS because it was using an auto generated system made in the 2000s and not optimised for modern day usage. I wanted to tell the 4 gullible customers that came in that day to just use Squarespace. Dude just wanted us to use stock images that weren't gonna be paid for at all too lol

  • proper 🔩
    Aug 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Couldn’t be me working at a Safeway although target and sprouts farmers market ain’t really any better

    Aye real Dublin/San Ramon boy s***

  • Aug 13, 2020

    Aye real Dublin/San Ramon boy s***

    Only 2 jobs I had and they’re on the same street

  • Aug 13, 2020
    2 replies

    You’d be surprised how few grocery stores there are in other parts of the country I visited my cousin in Ohio all there was was a Luckys and like maybe a vons. And across town was a Trader Joe’s

    I shop at like 5 stores all within a block from my house and go to others when I’m in other cities

    Lmfao yeah nah f*** all that i cant live anywhere outside of california or hawaii f*** the rest of the country.

    I know in murrieta/temecula they have 2 of each as in 2 trader joes 2 sprouts etc

    My point was that i somehow had some false memories from my childhood that safeway was always around even though it wasnt in socal so it was kinda weird when i realized it

  • proper 🔩
    Aug 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Lmfao yeah nah f*** all that i cant live anywhere outside of california or hawaii f*** the rest of the country.

    I know in murrieta/temecula they have 2 of each as in 2 trader joes 2 sprouts etc

    My point was that i somehow had some false memories from my childhood that safeway was always around even though it wasnt in socal so it was kinda weird when i realized it

    Lolll mans was smoking the good weed in the bay had him creating childhood memories that didn’t even exist n s***

  • Aug 13, 2020
    1 reply

    How were those cheques were looking good though right ? Don’t get me wrong I know you were being overworked and you have your own life, I’m on your side because I’ve been through the same thing but I’m just asking

    The pay was F***ing trash i got paid 2x more doing part time at amazon

    I should say i worked at an amazon in cali so the mininum wage is higher. But still, amazon work is less taxing than the busboy s***