some white dude called my mom and sister the n word in their own neighborhood near downtown
If I was there, I would have smoked that dude like a cigarette! Stomped him the f*** out in public!
Democrats (which is dominant in my area) telling me im oppressed&& im wrong for having self accountability
My ex’s mom hated me for some reason I couldn’t figure out why. I had dinner st their place a few times and I could just tell something was off so I asked my gf at the time what’s up with your moms and she just straight up said she doesn’t like black people Apparently she had to constantly fight with her mom to convince her for me to come over and some of the stuff she said to her was like “I don’t want those kind of people in my house” “I don’t trust them”
Her dad ended up being the cool one and had to get her mom to chill
She was Mexican btw
Middle aged white guy I worked with found out I was from a muslim family but am personally non-practicing. Dude scopes me out a little bit like "oh so u drink and f*** and all that?" I say "yeah i dont follow the faith"
The guy got comfortable around me I guess n mellowed out and starts asking increasingly weird like "so why do YOUR women wear those ninja masks?" At this point i realize whats happening n im like here we go with the racist s***
Like 10 minutes pass in silence cuz im high n trying to get finish this shift asap n this dude slowly inches closer to me n out the blue goes "so tell me... Do ur parents... U know when ur growing up... Teach u to u know... Hate us... Like us christians n Americans...?" I literally froze up cuz i've never had someone say something so ignorant to me so my face was stuck like with the mac loading icon going in my head tryna process what this stupid motherfucker just asked me. I just said no n stopped talking to this dude.
I really didn't know whyte people really thought this s*** frfr bout muslims before talking to this dude.
Mf said ninja mask I’m crying
Worst part was dude said "THE MEN MAKE ALL THE RULES RIGHT?" or some s*** after that loud af, the only girl on shift was looking at me sideways after that
huh we dont claim yall no matter how much turkish blood you got you’ll never be turkish
I’d rather eat s*** than be a Turk