  • Jan 19, 2020
    5 replies

    When osama was murdered, I Had a bunch of kids in middle school tell me “sorry for ur loss”

  • Jan 19, 2020
    · edited

    When osama was murdered, I Had a bunch of kids in middle school tell me “sorry for ur loss”

  • we watched roots in history class and ppl started calling me kunta kinte

  • Jan 19, 2020

    Posted about this on here before my roommate is lowkey racist. All of this was in the past couple months.

    • Told me he wrote an essay for a college assignment about how Whites are victims.

    • Told me how the whites back then had it worse than the slaves.

    • When discussing crime in Chicago (I’m from Chicago) he said the best way to stop it is just to tell everyone who’s not in a gang to evacuate and then send in the feds to kill everyone that’s still there. Basically like the f***ing purge.

    • Told me that Jordan Peele is a racist for wanting to put other blacks in leading roles for his movies.

    • Has asked me multiple times if he could say the n word

    • ( The most irritating one) Saw me looking up a Black Panther patch on amazon and immediately said “you know that’s an anti white terrorist organization right”. I told him it wasn’t. He tried to look up proof but ended up finding he was wrong yet instead of admitting it he doubled down. I got the patch in the mail and wore it for a few days with 0 complaints. I get a text to come to my drill sergeants office during lunch and they tell me that SOMEONE reported me for having a racist hate symbol on my backpack and that they TRIED TO TELL ME AND I DIDNT LISTEN... (Yet to this day he’s all buddy buddy to my face not knowing that I knew he ratted on me)

    • Most recently I asked about our MLK dats off in class and he’s there too and says “Yeah we get a day off because he did something soooooo important” in a sarcastic tone.

  • Jan 19, 2020

    While I was working at this supermarket, an elderly woman told me that "I looked white but had some dirt in me." I brushed that s*** off because I had no idea what she was talking about and kept stocking the next aisle until I realized that she had followed me into the next aisle. She then repeated the same s*** to me again and told me that she would pray for me.

    I asked her what she meant by dirt and she said Mexican blood...

  • Jan 19, 2020
    CNA Lov3ly

    was walking down the street in mississippi and a red convertable full of white kids drove by and they threw some open container at me and screamed "fk you you n-word f-word at me "

    Oh nah.

  • Jan 19, 2020

    white friend called be and another friend hard r back in elementary

  • Jan 19, 2020
    1 reply

    Haven’t experienced any racism that has been blatant. Waiting for the day so I can beat the bricks off someone

  • Nayuta 🐯
    Jan 19, 2020

    In kindergarten kid wouldn't let me play with them in these tire things on the playground and called me a ngr

  • Jan 19, 2020

    Haven’t experienced any racism that has been blatant. Waiting for the day so I can beat the bricks off someone


  • Nessy 🦎
    Jan 19, 2020

    One day my group of "friends" in middle school got this idea that "kid that are not from this country should stay a minimum of 10 yards away from us" and i was the only one concerned

    A few weeks later one of them started crying and throwing a tantrum because someone said he looked lebanese

  • Jan 19, 2020
    4 replies

    When I was 16, I just finished one of my two high school finals for the day. I told my friend that imma go to his house (4 blocks from school) to chill till the next final.
    As soon as I step off school grounds, I get surrounded by cop cars and a cop gets out and shoves me to the ground.
    I’m a f***ing goofy Dominican Kid who didn’t even smoke or drink at the time, completely innocent. I’m scared for my life because they’re putting me in cuffs and I have literally just left a final.

    The cops tell me that they saw me smoking weed behind a deli and asking why I ran away. I’m befuddled and asked what are They talking about, but they just put me in the cop car and drive to the station.

    While there, I start crying because they’re telling me imma go to juvy and get expelled for school, FOR SOMETHING I DIDNT DO. Like wait.. what? I was an above average student that took school seriously, and you’re telling me imma lose it all over some weed that I didn’t even smoke?

    I pleaded with them that I just left the high school, they didn’t give two s***s. They caught another kid who was really there, and he was even telling the cops that they got the wrong guy, because he saw how distraught I was, still didn’t give a f***.

    At this point, it’s been about an hour and the school “therapist” so to speak, comes to us and tells us how dumb we are for doing this, and I’m telling him I’m innocent but he isn’t even hearing me out.. honestly typing this s*** out is getting me furious smh.

    They are profiling the f*** outta me, just because their suspect was wearing a black shirt, and red shorts. The actual culprit was literally 6 inches shorter than me, and about 3 shades lighter. They ended up catching him because he was a known loudmouth and I guess was acting high as hell in school. They never read me my rights, until MY MOM CAME TO GET ME. I left without even an apology from these a******s that were going to ruin the life of a innocent kid and were harassing the f*** outta me while I’m there crying, scared for my freedom over some s*** I didn’t do. I would’ve been charged that day for simply being a young male of color in the wrong place.

    TLDR: falsely arrested at 16 over weed right after taking a Final, almost sent to juvi if it wasn’t for the dumbass culprit getting caught up in the school

  • Jan 19, 2020
    1 reply
    Gabagool Mentality

    When I was 16, I just finished one of my two high school finals for the day. I told my friend that imma go to his house (4 blocks from school) to chill till the next final.
    As soon as I step off school grounds, I get surrounded by cop cars and a cop gets out and shoves me to the ground.
    I’m a f***ing goofy Dominican Kid who didn’t even smoke or drink at the time, completely innocent. I’m scared for my life because they’re putting me in cuffs and I have literally just left a final.

    The cops tell me that they saw me smoking weed behind a deli and asking why I ran away. I’m befuddled and asked what are They talking about, but they just put me in the cop car and drive to the station.

    While there, I start crying because they’re telling me imma go to juvy and get expelled for school, FOR SOMETHING I DIDNT DO. Like wait.. what? I was an above average student that took school seriously, and you’re telling me imma lose it all over some weed that I didn’t even smoke?

    I pleaded with them that I just left the high school, they didn’t give two s***s. They caught another kid who was really there, and he was even telling the cops that they got the wrong guy, because he saw how distraught I was, still didn’t give a f***.

    At this point, it’s been about an hour and the school “therapist” so to speak, comes to us and tells us how dumb we are for doing this, and I’m telling him I’m innocent but he isn’t even hearing me out.. honestly typing this s*** out is getting me furious smh.

    They are profiling the f*** outta me, just because their suspect was wearing a black shirt, and red shorts. The actual culprit was literally 6 inches shorter than me, and about 3 shades lighter. They ended up catching him because he was a known loudmouth and I guess was acting high as hell in school. They never read me my rights, until MY MOM CAME TO GET ME. I left without even an apology from these a******s that were going to ruin the life of a innocent kid and were harassing the f*** outta me while I’m there crying, scared for my freedom over some s*** I didn’t do. I would’ve been charged that day for simply being a young male of color in the wrong place.

    TLDR: falsely arrested at 16 over weed right after taking a Final, almost sent to juvi if it wasn’t for the dumbass culprit getting caught up in the school

    I dont think getting charged for smoking weed behind a deli would've "ruined" your life lol. Probably just a misdemeanor.
    Sounds like those cops had wayyyy too much time on their hands to spend so much resources on some kids smoking weed 😂

  • Jan 19, 2020
    CNA Lov3ly

    I dont think getting charged for smoking weed behind a deli would've "ruined" your life lol. Probably just a misdemeanor.
    Sounds like those cops had wayyyy too much time on their hands to spend so much resources on some kids smoking weed 😂

    This was back in 2011, the expulsion part was real because those other kids didn’t return to school. My towns cops were b****es bro lol, they cleaned house a couple years later due to corruption

  • Jan 19, 2020
    4 replies

    nothing cause racism isnt a real thing

  • Jan 19, 2020

    nothing cause racism isnt a real thing

  • Jan 19, 2020
    1 reply

    This happened when i was 14, if you dont want to read all off this, i basically got jumped by two like 2 year old skinheads and a kid that was once my „friend“
    over not being german

    So there was this guy in my class we where cool, we used to hang out after school, so then one time we went to his home, and we played video games or whatever, then i went to the toilet , and saw his brothers room, full of nazi s***

    So i made an exscuse to leave and i barkey talked to him after that

    Then he failed the school year and had to take the year again, he was mad asf at me since i barley passed it

    i dont know how, someway he found out about where my parents are from,
    One day im walking down this shortcut to get home from idk what, like its next to the train tracks, and then someone grabs from the back, he jumps infront of me, tells me how i betrayed him

    Then i got beaten to s***, but i got no bones broken or whatever

    After that i was paranoid asf and went nowhere alone, all my friends were telling me to go for revenge, but i didnt want to further escalate

    Then like a few founds later , someone told me , the group was in jail now, over beating a handicapped person, which then died

    The story kind of goes on but idk if i should type this

    did u press charges

  • Jan 19, 2020

    Posted about this on here before my roommate is lowkey racist. All of this was in the past couple months.

    • Told me he wrote an essay for a college assignment about how Whites are victims.

    • Told me how the whites back then had it worse than the slaves.

    • When discussing crime in Chicago (I’m from Chicago) he said the best way to stop it is just to tell everyone who’s not in a gang to evacuate and then send in the feds to kill everyone that’s still there. Basically like the f***ing purge.

    • Told me that Jordan Peele is a racist for wanting to put other blacks in leading roles for his movies.

    • Has asked me multiple times if he could say the n word

    • ( The most irritating one) Saw me looking up a Black Panther patch on amazon and immediately said “you know that’s an anti white terrorist organization right”. I told him it wasn’t. He tried to look up proof but ended up finding he was wrong yet instead of admitting it he doubled down. I got the patch in the mail and wore it for a few days with 0 complaints. I get a text to come to my drill sergeants office during lunch and they tell me that SOMEONE reported me for having a racist hate symbol on my backpack and that they TRIED TO TELL ME AND I DIDNT LISTEN... (Yet to this day he’s all buddy buddy to my face not knowing that I knew he ratted on me)

    • Most recently I asked about our MLK dats off in class and he’s there too and says “Yeah we get a day off because he did something soooooo important” in a sarcastic tone.

  • Jan 19, 2020

    nothing cause racism isnt a real thing

    After your posts in the Nike thread I’m not surprised you saying this

  • Jan 19, 2020

    did u press charges

    No, didnt even go to a hospital, stayed at a friends place for a week, his parents didnt notice me, and i disappared alot during that time, so my mom didnt think of anything to 🤷‍♀️

    But yeah charges were never an option i my mind, like if i did that me and my family would then have a target on our backs

  • “You’re well spoken for a Mexican”

  • Jan 19, 2020
    1 reply

    my best friends mom back in elementary school wouldnt let me into her house because I was white. Still don't know why- he just said she was a nut. Cool kid tho

    That isn’t racism?

  • Jan 19, 2020
    1 reply

    That isn’t racism?

    Yes it is this is probably one of the only times a white person can experience racism

  • Jan 19, 2020
    3 replies

    Yes it is this is probably one of the only times a white person can experience racism

    It’s called protection from white people

  • Jan 19, 2020

    It’s called protection from white people

    im going to say the hard r