both Kanye West and Rosa Parks will have the same fate. we are basically preprogrammed meat automatons born into a messed up world with no hope. anything that anybody has ever worked for would already be pointless because the end of the world will happen in finite time and nothing ever produced will endure... no kindness, generosity, or evil will ever make a permanent mark.
it's a really bleak picture and there's no way to change that. this is why I don’t think any of us fundamentally believe we will die. it would drive us insane.
the fact that we are going to die is the only thing that makes anything matter
If you really believe that why wouldnt you just kill yourself? No action has any impact unless you plan to live through the consequences. You can justify anything in the moment by saying we're all gonna die but when you wake tomorrow, very much alive, what then? If you never learn to read that's gonna leave a big mark unless you dont plan to live past 7. If you are a b**** to everyone around you that's gonna leave a big mark unless you're never gonna hang out with those guys again. You get the idea
There’s a difference between surviving and living. You only got so much time on this earth, might as well enjoy it. You can always take whatever logic you’re spewing and turn it into a positive.
If you really believe that why wouldnt you just kill yourself? No action has any impact unless you plan to live through the consequences. You can justify anything in the moment by saying we're all gonna die but when you wake tomorrow, very much alive, what then? If you never learn to read that's gonna leave a big mark unless you dont plan to live past 7. If you are a b**** to everyone around you that's gonna leave a big mark unless you're never gonna hang out with those guys again. You get the idea
Insane post
There’s a difference between surviving and living. You only got so much time on this earth, might as well enjoy it. You can always take whatever logic you’re spewing and turn it into a positive.
let's imagine one of the worst possible lives a person could have:
they're born into a slum, a parasite blinds them at a young age, their family leaves them because they can't take care of them. They have to walk the streets and a car hits them, so now they can't really even do that. Slowly this person's ears go bad too. now they can't really walk well or see at all and have to scrounge for food, don't know where their family is, etc. people constantly take the little money or food they can gain because there's nothing they can do about it.
how can this person turn this into a positive? i think people that disagree with this logic live a good life and dont have to worry about things like starving to death or getting their legs blown off..
Sir, I'm looking forward to my demise. I'll finally get some sleep.
I believe every choice we make in life is very important. It is a miracle that we are even alive. The powers that be want us to feel the way you do
This why we need faith
i agree... it's hard to find any meaning, purpose, value, anything in an atheistic world.
Sir, I'm looking forward to my demise. I'll finally get some sleep.