  • Sep 6, 2020

    Niggas putting my order wrong

    That s***s hurts me

  • Sep 6, 2020

    don't eat meat but even when i did as a kid i don't remember ever hearing that term


  • Sep 6, 2020
    4 replies

    every trip to a carribean restaurant

  • Sep 6, 2020
    1 reply


  • Sep 8, 2020

    every trip to a carribean restaurant

  • She was trying to save your arteries. You owe her tbh

  • your mum pushed him over the edge

  • Sep 8, 2020

    Was at the grocery store and the cashier was all smiling and s*** with the dude in front of me. Then as soon as she starts scanning my groceries she looks up and gives me the meanest attitude and mean mugs tf outta me
    Chick was straight outta high school and I didn’t even say one word to her and she giving me the cold shoulder

  • Sep 8, 2020
    3 replies

    Went to McDonald’s last week and my girl wanted the breakfast platter. It’s like 12pm. And the dudes all like “breakfast is until 11:30am” and I’m like “tf it’s all day breakfast, how about a sausage McMuffin?” And he keeps saying breakfast is over

  • proper 🔩
    Sep 8, 2020
    3 replies

    I’m usually the one being rude to customer service tbh

    edit: never to food ppl tho.. unless they already brought me my food then they can get this smoke

  • Sep 8, 2020
    1 reply

    I’m usually the one being rude to customer service tbh

    edit: never to food ppl tho.. unless they already brought me my food then they can get this smoke

    confirmed picture of ktt user MANGA

  • proper 🔩
    Sep 8, 2020

    confirmed picture of ktt user MANGA

    nah I’m asian fam. when dumb mfers be f***ing up your order multiple times or not knowing how to do their basic ass min wage job it’s hard to stay patient since I’ve worked those positions before and know how easy it is

    I always tip 20% tho regardless of service quality

  • Sep 8, 2020
    1 reply

    I’m usually the one being rude to customer service tbh

    edit: never to food ppl tho.. unless they already brought me my food then they can get this smoke

    why tho?

  • proper 🔩
    Sep 8, 2020
    King Joffrey

    why tho?

    cause I’m disrepectful

    but in a respectful manner

  • Sep 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Terrible service just regular at hood ass fast food places. I show up practically expecting to be disrespected, but I don’t really consider it a bad experience as long as I get my food in a somewhat reasonable amount of time.

    Every Popeyes gonna treat you like s***. That’s part of the dining experience at this point.

    I’ve never actually gotten food from my local Taco Bell because you not getting through that drive-thru in under 30 minutes. I’ve made multiple attempts and waited at least 20+ minutes every time. I’ve made it the speaker to order a few times, but never actually made it to the window to pay and haven’t gotten close to the window to pick up the food. The line is never long. It just doesn’t move. Tf they doing in there?

    I once ordered a cheeseburger from McDonald’s and they literally just wrapped up a bun with pickles and put it in the bag. When I pulled back around to let them know, dude on the speaker was like “We gave you just a bun? OH MY GOD AMEEN!”

    One time I went to a Wendy’s and got up to the speaker to order and this girl was like “Aye, hold on a minute.” And I didn’t hear anything for a good ten minutes. I was ready to just give up and leave but I had time and honestly just wanted to see how long this could take, so I parked my s***, then me and the dude behind me line got out of our cars and started talking and walked through the parking lot and went inside. That s*** was empty af, like nobody behind the counter or at the grill or fry station. A DoorDash dude walked in there confused as f***. We walked back to the drive thru and eventually I started to hear people talking and laughing quietly for a few seconds then different dude gets on the mic and says “We closed bro, go home.” And I was like “Foreal?” And he was like “Nah, I’m playing. What you want?” And we all laughed about it and I got the 4 for 4.

  • Sep 8, 2020

    Terrible service just regular at hood ass fast food places. I show up practically expecting to be disrespected, but I don’t really consider it a bad experience as long as I get my food in a somewhat reasonable amount of time.

    Every Popeyes gonna treat you like s***. That’s part of the dining experience at this point.

    I’ve never actually gotten food from my local Taco Bell because you not getting through that drive-thru in under 30 minutes. I’ve made multiple attempts and waited at least 20+ minutes every time. I’ve made it the speaker to order a few times, but never actually made it to the window to pay and haven’t gotten close to the window to pick up the food. The line is never long. It just doesn’t move. Tf they doing in there?

    I once ordered a cheeseburger from McDonald’s and they literally just wrapped up a bun with pickles and put it in the bag. When I pulled back around to let them know, dude on the speaker was like “We gave you just a bun? OH MY GOD AMEEN!”

    One time I went to a Wendy’s and got up to the speaker to order and this girl was like “Aye, hold on a minute.” And I didn’t hear anything for a good ten minutes. I was ready to just give up and leave but I had time and honestly just wanted to see how long this could take, so I parked my s***, then me and the dude behind me line got out of our cars and started talking and walked through the parking lot and went inside. That s*** was empty af, like nobody behind the counter or at the grill or fry station. A DoorDash dude walked in there confused as f***. We walked back to the drive thru and eventually I started to hear people talking and laughing quietly for a few seconds then different dude gets on the mic and says “We closed bro, go home.” And I was like “Foreal?” And he was like “Nah, I’m playing. What you want?” And we all laughed about it and I got the 4 for 4.

    The last one

  • Sep 9, 2020


    Bro I was flabbergasted. I looked at my mans like

    “ Did that really jus come out that box rn?

  • Sep 9, 2020

    Earlier this summer I called animal control about a rabid raccoon hanging out in a neighborhood. Treated me like I didn't have any idea what I was talking about, so I had to explain in painstaking detail why I thought it was a dangerous animal. They sighed when they couldn't deny anymore that they actually had to get off their asses and do something.

    F***ing annoying but it was so obnoxious that it was kinda funny.

  • Sep 9, 2020
    1 reply

    Went to McDonald’s last week and my girl wanted the breakfast platter. It’s like 12pm. And the dudes all like “breakfast is until 11:30am” and I’m like “tf it’s all day breakfast, how about a sausage McMuffin?” And he keeps saying breakfast is over

    they stopped all day breakfast during covid

  • Sep 9, 2020
    1 reply

    they stopped all day breakfast during covid

    You don’t say. Deadass didn’t know this lmao.

  • Sep 9, 2020
    1 reply

    You don’t say. Deadass didn’t know this lmao.

    yeah they cut it out temporarily in march and it hasn't came back

  • Sep 9, 2020
    1 reply

    yeah they cut it out temporarily in march and it hasn't came back

    Lol remember when Alabama tried to ban abortions because of covid? Federal judge was like nahhhh get back to work

  • Sep 9, 2020
    1 reply

    every trip to a carribean restaurant

  • Sep 9, 2020

    every trip to a carribean restaurant

    Food be hittin tho