karsten runquist
redlettermedia sucks when their not talking about stuff they know (people getting tricked into thinking their dumbass prequel reviews are good criticism is the biggest troll of the decade)
doug walker but that feels like beating a dead horse
i'm sure i'll think of more later
but i think overall i hate karsten dumbass the most cuz now his dumbass self is the top reviews for both crumb and buffalo 66 on letterboxd so now whenever i go to them i have to be reminded that f***er exists
I stopped watching YMS completely after this s***:
lol this and him defending f***ing animals
i will admit tho his defense of bruno i saw once was actually pretty good and exactly the reason i love it so i'll give him that one
yms also once said citizen kane invented narrative structure in film and everything before it was just "people f***ing around with cameras"
and this idiot shaped the taste of thousands of teenage boys lol
Jeremy Jahns' Knives Out review is pretty awful. You can tell he's just trying to push an agenda to satisfy his new legion of anti-TLJ/Disney Star Wars fans. He even has a line in it that's something along the lines of, "Rian Johnson movies just aren't as good as Rian Johnson thinks they are" yet pre-TLJ he said many times he was a huge fan.
That's probably not the worst ever, but it's a recent example that made me roll my eyes.
That was infuriating
Why tf did he think this was a good idea
but i think overall i hate karsten dumbass the most cuz now his dumbass self is the top reviews for both crumb and buffalo 66 on letterboxd so now whenever i go to them i have to be reminded that f***er exists
Karsten’s videos on animation are the worst film essays ive seen on this site. Everything else he does is alright though
What the f*** does this mean?????
Literally everything about it, including the assumption that animating hair is the most time consuming part of animating is wrong
What the f*** does this mean?????
Literally everything about it, including the assumption that animating hair is the most time consuming part of animating is wrong
Yo I’m dead
Yo I’m dead
Top comment on this is about how hair is the easiest thing to animate in 3D
Probably some Nostalgia Critic video
Remember watching that god awful video about the Wall and just going into paralysis cause the dude from Slipknot was there singing the Spongebob theme
Top comment on this is about how hair is the easiest thing to animate in 3D
This man thought he had one
Remember watching that god awful video about the Wall and just going into paralysis cause the dude from Slipknot was there singing the Spongebob theme
Thankfully never seen that one
But any video where he does long skits is so painful to watch
Remember watching that god awful video about the Wall and just going into paralysis cause the dude from Slipknot was there singing the Spongebob theme
He has so many flop reviews lmao dude is not as insightful as he thinks
Thankfully never seen that one
But any video where he does long skits is so painful to watch
The Not So Awesome s*** that came out about his channel didn’t surprise me at all
Movie reviews peaked with these guys
!’re alright, funny as hell tbh