I'd say they put being white before being a woman and the fact they can pick and choose (while it's still centered under the umbrella of whiteness) while black women have neither luxury is more true.
Kamala Harris revoted her blackness a long time ago, she ain't black b
-Joe Biden, President-elect
there's cool white women out there but most of the ones I've come across are not the brightest
Self hate
Same way Mexicans and black people vote trump
They tryna be white or think they’ll get some sort of “acceptance” from the white people
in my opinion, this is where the disconnect is with sane white people (i say sane because there are INsane white people who will vote for people like trump based on what they think he would do for the race) and other races
maybe it’s just lack of representation that other races have had, so they feel the need to vote for someone of their race (this is a wild generalization, but it is in line with OP for arguments sake) but i think it should depend on the merit of the candidate. not the race
i voted for obama, i would vote for michelle obama, i’d vote for yang, etc.
to me it’s not about race interests but policy interests
White women voting for their interests = voting a white woman into office...?
What kind of stupid s*** is this
whats up with low income white people voting against their own interests
Rich white man scapegoat minorities for all of society's ills so they can further advance themselves while playing poor whites like idiots
nobody cares about kamala or pence for that matter
and hillary is one of the most hated political figures of our time