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  • Dec 8, 2019
    1 reply


    let me explain why this isn’t a valid argument

    We have cases of current adults who go into a coma. They are in a vegetative state and are not able to think.

    We also have cases of people coming out of comas.

    So with that being said. Do you think we shouldn’t have compassion or respect the autonomy of those people as well? Should we have the right to kill them even though it’s a potential life? Because they can come out of a coma.

    well technically people in comas have at least had the ability to form thoughts before and posses some sort of flow of consciousness.

  • Dec 8, 2019

    i think overall it should be up to the woman. s***s gonna be in her body. But it does get complicated when both parents are in agreement with what to do because i do think the guy should have some say in the matter

  • rvi 🐸
    Dec 8, 2019
    1 reply

    No man

    Cause they’re both potential lives

    Is my point

    They’re both not able to feel
    they’re both not “sentient”
    they’re both not able to consent to anything being done to them
    They’re both POTENTIAL LIVES

    Yet we can’t kill one and the other we can

    That’s the point

    do you eat meat?

  • Dec 8, 2019

    do you eat meat?


  • Dec 8, 2019

    well technically people in comas have at least had the ability to form thoughts before and posses some sort of flow of consciousness.

    that doesn’t make them less of a life bro

  • Dec 8, 2019
    1 reply

    No man

    Cause they’re both potential lives

    Is my point

    They’re both not able to feel
    they’re both not “sentient”
    they’re both not able to consent to anything being done to them
    They’re both POTENTIAL LIVES

    Yet we can’t kill one and the other we can

    That’s the point

    A person in a coma isn't a "potential life" it is a life

  • Dec 8, 2019

    Let me be clear

    I love all of you whether we disagree or not

    I’m just saying

    Look your other side of the argument up as well

    You might be surprised what you find

  • Ellinia 🍰
    Dec 8, 2019
    1 reply

    unwanted by parents =/= murdered

    Tf is that even supposed to mean. Obviously one is the root of the problem and the other the solution. You're not really saying much here.
    You call it murder because you consider it to be alive but not everyone does.

  • Dec 8, 2019
    1 reply

    why’s it illegal to kill yourself if abortion is legal

    Generally speaking, suicide is not illegal. There are still places where it’s technically illegal because it’s still killing a person (which is illegal obv) but it’s treated as a mental illness rather than a crime and rarely prosecuted.

    Assisting or encouraging suicide still illegal tho.

  • Dec 8, 2019
    1 reply

    A person in a coma isn't a "potential life" it is a life

    So what’s the difference

    man I can’t keep trying I’m gonna develop arthritis lmao

  • Dec 8, 2019
    2 replies

    Tf is that even supposed to mean. Obviously one is the root of the problem and the other the solution. You're not really saying much here.
    You call it murder because you consider it to be alive but not everyone does.

    the difference is I’m using science to make my stance you’re using opinions

  • Dec 8, 2019
    1 reply

    All this compassion for the pregnant women but not for the baby who’s going to be murdered


    just say you hate women and move on

  • Dec 8, 2019

    we got 8 billion people in the world, no point in bringing in more if the parents don't want em.

    pro life niggas will march and protest all day but never hit up an orphanage and support those kids.


  • Dec 8, 2019
    1 reply

    just say you hate women and move on

    attack my character

    I disagree with you I must be a woman hating piece of s***

    Ahh Classic

  • Dec 8, 2019

    So what’s the difference

    man I can’t keep trying I’m gonna develop arthritis lmao

    One is a person with rights and the other can't be a person with rights because they don't exist yet

  • Dec 8, 2019
    1 reply

    attack my character

    I disagree with you I must be a woman hating piece of s***

    Ahh Classic

    Plenty of people disagree with me. You care more about an embryo than an actual womans life, so yes.

  • Ellinia 🍰
    Dec 8, 2019

    the difference is I’m using science to make my stance you’re using opinions

    Sure. And science has never been used to justify acts of cruelty on humans

  • killin babies

  • Dec 8, 2019
    2 replies

    Plenty of people disagree with me. You care more about an embryo than an actual womans life, so yes.

    I’ll just end it with this

    It is a very dangerous precedent to suggest that human beings have the subjective capacity to define as life that which they wish to preserve

    Think about that.

  • rvi 🐸
    Dec 8, 2019
    1 reply

    I’ll just end it with this

    It is a very dangerous precedent to suggest that human beings have the subjective capacity to define as life that which they wish to preserve

    Think about that.

    can you just answer my question as to why a human life is so much more important than an animal life? does it bother you that human beings had the subjective capacity to decide its ok to kill them?

  • Dec 8, 2019

    can you just answer my question as to why a human life is so much more important than an animal life? does it bother you that human beings had the subjective capacity to decide its ok to kill them?

    my bad

    Meant to respond

    I haven’t done much research on this to comment honestly

    I do see what you’re saying and when I actually have a stance on this you’ll be the first to know

  • Dec 8, 2019
    2 replies

    I’ll just end it with this

    It is a very dangerous precedent to suggest that human beings have the subjective capacity to define as life that which they wish to preserve

    Think about that.

    It's pretty objective actually

    When someone is born they have the capacity to interact with this world however they please and thus deserve rights to ensure they can safely do so

    A fetus in the womb is still apart of its mother, the mom is its world, and she being a person with rights deserves the right to abort if she wants to

  • Niggas is really pro-life in the Gregorian calendar year 2019, very soon to be 2020...

  • Dec 8, 2019
    1 reply

    It's pretty objective actually

    When someone is born they have the capacity to interact with this world however they please and thus deserve rights to ensure they can safely do so

    A fetus in the womb is still apart of its mother, the mom is its world, and she being a person with rights deserves the right to abort if she wants to

    watch when you get a chance

  • Dec 8, 2019
    2 replies

    It's pretty objective actually

    When someone is born they have the capacity to interact with this world however they please and thus deserve rights to ensure they can safely do so

    A fetus in the womb is still apart of its mother, the mom is its world, and she being a person with rights deserves the right to abort if she wants to

    Hard to say a newborn baby has the “capacity to interact with the world however they please”. Unborn babies and newborns both have a very limited ability to do this.

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