No need, if you can't defend your own uneducated talking points no point in longer replying to you lol.
Murder all embryos imo, no more babies should be born #SALUTE
I can but don’t feel like typing it all out
point is this
you’re saying it should be okay to abort a baby after a certain time frame. What’s the time frame
humor me
It’s a woman’s body so it’s her choice.
A woman who ain’t ready to take care of the child shouldn’t be punished.
It’s a woman’s body so it’s her choice.
A woman who ain’t ready to take care of the child shouldn’t be punished.
but the baby should be punished right
All this compassion for the pregnant women but not for the baby who’s going to be murdered
All this compassion for the pregnant women but not for the baby who’s going to be murdered
why have sympathy for an unborn pre-human thats not even sentient yet?
is it a religious thing? like just considering any "human life" to be sacred
why have sympathy for an unborn pre-human thats not even sentient yet?
is it a religious thing? like just considering any "human life" to be sacred
Its a human. And define sentient for me. You mean ability to feel?
All this compassion for the pregnant women but not for the baby who’s going to be murdered
You don't have any compassion either for the baby that now has to live with parents/a woman who didn't want it but was forced to give birth and possibly can't even provide for it.
You don't have any compassion either for the baby that now has to live with parents/a woman who didn't want it but was forced to give birth and possibly can't even provide for it.
unwanted by parents =/= murdered
Its a human. And define sentient for me. You mean ability to feel?
nah the ability to 'think' i guess
ex a tree is not sentient, but a whale is
It’s sad to see how I’m like the only one on this side of the isle.
Shows you how f***ed up this generations is
It’s sad to see how I’m like the only one on this side of the isle.
Shows you how f***ed up this generations is
ok boomer
Using words like “baby” and “murder” in anti-abortion arguments is disingenuous. If it’s just a mass of cells, those words do not apply, all you’re doing is just trying to appeal to emotion.
It’s sad to see how I’m like the only one on this side of the isle.
Shows you how f***ed up this generations is
this is such a bad attitude
why even have a discussion if you just think all those who hold the opposing view are f***ed up
nah the ability to 'think' i guess
ex a tree is not sentient, but a whale is
let me explain why this isn’t a valid argument
We have cases of current adults who go into a coma. They are in a vegetative state and are not able to think.
We also have cases of people coming out of comas.
So with that being said. Do you think we shouldn’t have compassion or respect the autonomy of those people as well? Should we have the right to kill them even though it’s a potential life? Because they can come out of a coma.
Using words like “baby” and “murder” in anti-abortion arguments is disingenuous. If it’s just a mass of cells, those words do not apply, all you’re doing is just trying to appeal to emotion.
nah I’m just sick of all the euphemisms that are constantly used cause I used to do the same thing
this is such a bad attitude
why even have a discussion if you just think all those who hold the opposing view are f***ed up
yeah nah you’re right
I’m just saying I’m surprised to see I’m the only one backing this up that’s all
let me explain why this isn’t a valid argument
We have cases of current adults who go into a coma. They are in a vegetative state and are not able to think.
We also have cases of people coming out of comas.
So with that being said. Do you think we shouldn’t have compassion or respect the autonomy of those people as well? Should we have the right to kill them even though it’s a potential life? Because they can come out of a coma.
this is an entirely different discussion and I don't see how it relates
i think that is very different partly because those are cases where a once full-fledged/sentient/intelligent/whatever person regresses into a vegetative state. its different from pulling the plug before the 'life' has even begun
its hard to answer your question because there are too many different cases and it would depend on many factors. but i think a lot of the times it would definitely be justified to end support for someone who is completely vegetative. which is worse, to put someone out of their misery or to allow someone to continue on? but we can't answer that question because as bystanders we can't know how the person actually is
let me explain why this isn’t a valid argument
We have cases of current adults who go into a coma. They are in a vegetative state and are not able to think.
We also have cases of people coming out of comas.
So with that being said. Do you think we shouldn’t have compassion or respect the autonomy of those people as well? Should we have the right to kill them even though it’s a potential life? Because they can come out of a coma.
Almost like they're different situations so you shouldn't compare them
it's fine when its early in the pregnancy imo. When it starts getting into the middle or end it shouldn't happen.
& i'm not making the argument that fetuses aren't sacred because they aren't sentient
was questioning if you value that sentience because animals have it too, some of which you probably eat every day
pigs are smarter than babies. why are their lives worth so much less?
Almost like they're different situations so you shouldn't compare them
No man
Cause they’re both potential lives
Is my point
They’re both not able to feel
they’re both not “sentient”
they’re both not able to consent to anything being done to them
Yet we can’t kill one and the other we can
That’s the point