  • RASIE 🦦
    Sep 26, 2020


    Find a good, organized structure to hand-write your notes that is easy for you to read and follow when going back over them. If you don't know any good ways for organizing a page to make notes look coherent and concise, then look at different page setup presets in programs like Microsoft Word or Apple Pages — even searching something like "Outline Document Templates" on Google Images or Pinterest can give you plenty of great inspiration.


    After you've hand-written your notes, then type them up on your computer in the word processor of your choice. (You can also use the same outline template to make your hand-written and typed noted match better.)


    Use the typed notes to study at home or when working on course exam study guides. Use the handwritten notes for quick brush ups between classes/before a test.

    Bottom line is...

    Writing your notes by hand AND typing them works miracles when it comes to the ability to not only better comprehend information, but retain it better too. Even if you only have time to handwrite your notes, 95% of the time you should always give handwriting them priority over typing. Writing your notes with pen & paper even once is typically far better for retaining information than just typing them on a computer.


    For more unique inspiration for creating clean, good-looking handwritten notes, you can check out top posts on places like r/NeatNotes. I usually wouldn't recommend that someone actually use Reddit, but in this specific case it has some good reference material lol

  • Sep 26, 2020
    1 reply

    unironically amphetamine but make sure to start before it kicks in, otherwise you can get hyperfocused on something like p*** and the next thing you know you're on page 153 on p***hub and you've jacked off for 5 hours straight. been there.

    my friend a major fiend and ironed his ussr flag for a whole night to eliminate all creases before a parade

    i finished a 30 page comparative study of penological systems that I was supposeed to do over a few months in less than a week binging on speed

  • RASIE 🦦
    Sep 26, 2020
    1 reply

    unironically amphetamine but make sure to start before it kicks in, otherwise you can get hyperfocused on something like p*** and the next thing you know you're on page 153 on p***hub and you've jacked off for 5 hours straight. been there.

    my friend a major fiend and ironed his ussr flag for a whole night to eliminate all creases before a parade

    i finished a 30 page comparative study of penological systems that I was supposeed to do over a few months in less than a week binging on speed

    Depending on where you are, if you don't have your own Rx then you better be prepared to spend some stacks haha.

    I had a Rx for addys throughout high school and college, and back then the most i ever heard people buying them for was like $5-7 a pill.

    Fast forward to present day and I find out kids on the same campus i used to live on are paying $15-20 a pill If I were younger (and was actually interested in selling my pills), I'd be making a killing lol. My Rx was for 30mg tab, 60 pills per month, and I was only paying $20 at walgreens to fill the bottle each month

  • Sep 26, 2020
    1 reply

    Depending on where you are, if you don't have your own Rx then you better be prepared to spend some stacks haha.

    I had a Rx for addys throughout high school and college, and back then the most i ever heard people buying them for was like $5-7 a pill.

    Fast forward to present day and I find out kids on the same campus i used to live on are paying $15-20 a pill If I were younger (and was actually interested in selling my pills), I'd be making a killing lol. My Rx was for 30mg tab, 60 pills per month, and I was only paying $20 at walgreens to fill the bottle each month

    I do have an ADD diagnosis (which is a requirement for stims here) but I can't get anything prescribed because I got scripts for x**** and klonopin (they're real meticulous about not prescribing uppers and downers together). picked benzos over stims cause i need it for my insomnia and anxiety

    pills are expensive as f*** and I learned that when I sold my s*** to classmates

    i usually just buy 5g of powder/paste from vendors which is like 40-60% pure depending on how cheap you wanna go. but on average 5 grams is like 55 dollars which lasts a good bit for me

    really cheap here in europe, afaik amphetamine in powder or paste form barely exists over the pond

  • Sep 26, 2020
    1 reply

    one time i studied for a test the night before in my dreams

    no idea how i did that but it helped a bit

    Lmao what. Like you studied in the dream?

  • RASIE 🦦
    Sep 26, 2020
    1 reply

    I do have an ADD diagnosis (which is a requirement for stims here) but I can't get anything prescribed because I got scripts for x**** and klonopin (they're real meticulous about not prescribing uppers and downers together). picked benzos over stims cause i need it for my insomnia and anxiety

    pills are expensive as f*** and I learned that when I sold my s*** to classmates

    i usually just buy 5g of powder/paste from vendors which is like 40-60% pure depending on how cheap you wanna go. but on average 5 grams is like 55 dollars which lasts a good bit for me

    really cheap here in europe, afaik amphetamine in powder or paste form barely exists over the pond

    Yeah i was about to ask wtf "powder/paste" was I thought you were talking about coke at first and and i was like "shit either euro coke is cheap AF!! or it's s*** quality" lmao. But then i realized you were talking about amphetamine

    I mean, i knew people in high school who would pulverize an addy and snort it instead of taking it orally — which never made much sense to me because the effect is not only different when snorted, but the high will only be potent for like 30-45mins cause its not going through your liver

    What is powder/paste? Is the two different from each other in any major way? How is it taken?

  • Sep 26, 2020
    1 reply

    For learning any kind of math I would recommend learning through a text rather than videos or lectures. Not necessarily a textbook but e.g if there is a lecture series with lecture notes goes through the notes. Reading through it forces you to pay attention more than just watching smth where you could be daydreaming as it rolls.

  • Sep 26, 2020

    Yeah i was about to ask wtf "powder/paste" was I thought you were talking about coke at first and and i was like "shit either euro coke is cheap AF!! or it's s*** quality" lmao. But then i realized you were talking about amphetamine

    I mean, i knew people in high school who would pulverize an addy and snort it instead of taking it orally — which never made much sense to me because the effect is not only different when snorted, but the high will only be potent for like 30-45mins cause its not going through your liver

    What is powder/paste? Is the two different from each other in any major way? How is it taken?

    nah i wish we had cheap coke even garbage is like 60
    got 2 grams of potent for like 180 for my birthday and watched demonlover with my pals connie got the horniness level off the charts

    amphetamine either comes in powder (which is the most common form) or paste, which most people either lay out to dry and chop up later. some people use the oven or a microwave to speed up the drying process

    some weirdos like to swallow it like that too

    regarding administration, you can either eat it (bomb it by putting some on a lil piece of rolling paper or toilet paper) or snort it. when i do it i usually just snort about 200 mg and redose by bombing.

    bombing/eating is the better method honestly but the nearly instant kick and the satisfaction of snorting it is unbeatable

    it lasts a decent 5 hours actually, depending on quality ofc and a few redoses should be enough for cramming in all the work I put off

    never snorted adderall (dexedrine tho), but it actually does reach your liver

    nose -> blood vessels in the nose -> bloodstream (and the blood-brain barrier where the magic happens) -> liver

    shoutout to all the hood chemists doin the lords work

  • RASIE 🦦
    Sep 26, 2020
    1 reply


    got 2 grams of potent for like 180 for my birthday and watched demonlover with my pals

    Very interesting about the powder/paste stuff

    But also, where does the amphetamine to make the powder/paste come from? Is it similar over the counter stuff/chemicals used to make meth?

  • Sep 26, 2020
    1 reply


    got 2 grams of potent for like 180 for my birthday and watched demonlover with my pals

    Very interesting about the powder/paste stuff

    But also, where does the amphetamine to make the powder/paste come from? Is it similar over the counter stuff/chemicals used to make meth?

    it's p much like producing meth. except sloppier chemists and way easier

    it's not so obscure chemicals that they cook up to make amphetamine in large batches, most of it is made in the netherlands, poland and the baltics

    you mix phenylacetone (P2P, the chemical walt would make meth with in the first season before starting with mixing p2p and methylamine)

    then you add ammonia, ethanol and aluminium and some other s***.

    most of the components are OTC except for the P2P. i doubt they synthesizee their own becausee these boys are most likely high school dropouts and get their stuff from ppl stealing it

  • RASIE 🦦
    Sep 26, 2020
    1 reply

    it's p much like producing meth. except sloppier chemists and way easier

    it's not so obscure chemicals that they cook up to make amphetamine in large batches, most of it is made in the netherlands, poland and the baltics

    you mix phenylacetone (P2P, the chemical walt would make meth with in the first season before starting with mixing p2p and methylamine)

    then you add ammonia, ethanol and aluminium and some other s***.

    most of the components are OTC except for the P2P. i doubt they synthesizee their own becausee these boys are most likely high school dropouts and get their stuff from ppl stealing it

    So it's basically like cooking freebase but with amphetamines?

  • Sep 26, 2020
    1 reply

    So it's basically like cooking freebase but with amphetamines?

    process when you whip it p much the same but amph takes a bit more time and freebasing usually only requires ammonia (if ya gon make crack), soda and water and maybe an acetone wash before cooking it for purification?

  • RASIE 🦦
    Sep 26, 2020
    1 reply

    process when you whip it p much the same but amph takes a bit more time and freebasing usually only requires ammonia (if ya gon make crack), soda and water and maybe an acetone wash before cooking it for purification?

    Sounds jank as hell but if apparently it works and thats what matters

    So is the high really similar to taking amphetamine salt tabs like addy, or kinda different? How long does it last?

  • adderall

  • Sep 26, 2020
    1 reply

    Sounds jank as hell but if apparently it works and thats what matters

    So is the high really similar to taking amphetamine salt tabs like addy, or kinda different? How long does it last?

    about 4-5 hours, but it really comes down to the quality and how much cut is actually in there, hence the bigger dosages than pure pharma

    the high is pretty simiilar, but way more tweakier. this kind of amphetamine is racemic, while adderall is 75% dextroamphetamine and 25% levoamphetamine.

    dexedrine or vyvanse for instance is less anxiety inducing as far as stimulants go since it's 100% dextroamphetamine, which is the isomer that creates the euphoric and dopaminergic high

    D-amph works on the dopamine system waay more than L-amph which is what you want for focusing really.

    L-amph works more on noradrenaline and makes you jittery and tweaky but also alert, sometimes a bit paranoid lol

    obviously real pharmaceutical stimulants are better, but i'd take my street speed over the crap like concerta or ritalin that s*** garbage

  • Sep 26, 2020
    1 reply

    thread went pharmaceutical

  • RASIE 🦦
    Sep 26, 2020
    1 reply

    about 4-5 hours, but it really comes down to the quality and how much cut is actually in there, hence the bigger dosages than pure pharma

    the high is pretty simiilar, but way more tweakier. this kind of amphetamine is racemic, while adderall is 75% dextroamphetamine and 25% levoamphetamine.

    dexedrine or vyvanse for instance is less anxiety inducing as far as stimulants go since it's 100% dextroamphetamine, which is the isomer that creates the euphoric and dopaminergic high

    D-amph works on the dopamine system waay more than L-amph which is what you want for focusing really.

    L-amph works more on noradrenaline and makes you jittery and tweaky but also alert, sometimes a bit paranoid lol

    obviously real pharmaceutical stimulants are better, but i'd take my street speed over the crap like concerta or ritalin that s*** garbage

    Thats wild cause in high school before i was able to get my own Rx, i would bum Vyvanse from my friend and those always felt like "cleaner" experience at first, and then the come down was way worse than addys for me.

    But aint gotta tell me that Concerta is trash. One day my Vyvanse friend was all out, and my other friend said "well my little brother takes Concerta and its basically the same thing. I'll give you one."

    I took that s*** the next morning and then started driving to school (it was about a 35 drive). About 5 mins away from school, all of a sudden my arms and wrist locked up and twisted around like i was a movie character being possessed, i had a half-conscious seizure behind the wheel in bumper to bumper school traffic, and then puked all over my lap and steering wheel.

    Had to steer my car with my elbows into a teacher's parking spot and limped into the front nurse office to tell her what happened, and my mom came to pick me up. I got home and laid in bed, and when i woke up i couldnt move my legs and was bedridden for several hours.

    Finally the next afternoon it all passed out of my system and i felt normal.

    After that, i made sure to get my own Rx and NEVER go near anyone who even mentions concerta again

    Also found out through that experience that concerta is supposed to be taken at night before bed or something, and you wake up the next day with the d***'s effect kicked in. Or some s*** like that. Sounds like dumb s*** to me

  • Sep 26, 2020
    1 reply

    no offense to anyone, but I would definitely not recommend relying on study d**** @op

  • RASIE 🦦
    Sep 27, 2020

    no offense to anyone, but I would definitely not recommend relying on study d**** @op

    Same here tbh. Despite me and @DELON derailing the thread with d*** talk, I definitely advise against it and just doing what I suggested in my original reply sober

  • proper 🔩
    Sep 27, 2020
    1 reply

    Some of y’all on page 2 def already on addy w these essay length posts

    I know a stimulant/drugged out post when I see one. Used to post essays about bs all the time on ktt1 during my coke head days

  • Sep 27, 2020

    Some of y’all on page 2 def already on addy w these essay length posts

    I know a stimulant/drugged out post when I see one. Used to post essays about bs all the time on ktt1 during my coke head days

    move to subs sxn tbh

  • Sep 27, 2020
    1 reply

    thread went pharmaceutical

    till this day nobody has touched the number of papers he has published