  • RASIE 🦦
    Sep 27, 2020

    For learning any kind of math I would recommend learning through a text rather than videos or lectures. Not necessarily a textbook but e.g if there is a lecture series with lecture notes goes through the notes. Reading through it forces you to pay attention more than just watching smth where you could be daydreaming as it rolls.

    Can def cosign this too

    I was the math guy in my friend group, always helping others with understanding stuff in it and homework.

    Me and 4-5 other people would get a private room with a white board in our student center and take turns writing/solving problems on the white board from the textbook problems.

    Even as someone who never had much trouble in math, doing that with a group once a week did wonders for how much math i remembered after school. Even now, after not being in a math class for almost a decade, I just need to see one example problem being solved and it all comes rushing back to me

  • Sep 27, 2020
    1 reply

    jokes aside i do not recommend anyone to start using this habitually or daily unless you're prescribed and for good reasons. some doctors just give it out willy nilly

  • Sep 27, 2020
    1 reply

    Thats wild cause in high school before i was able to get my own Rx, i would bum Vyvanse from my friend and those always felt like "cleaner" experience at first, and then the come down was way worse than addys for me.

    But aint gotta tell me that Concerta is trash. One day my Vyvanse friend was all out, and my other friend said "well my little brother takes Concerta and its basically the same thing. I'll give you one."

    I took that s*** the next morning and then started driving to school (it was about a 35 drive). About 5 mins away from school, all of a sudden my arms and wrist locked up and twisted around like i was a movie character being possessed, i had a half-conscious seizure behind the wheel in bumper to bumper school traffic, and then puked all over my lap and steering wheel.

    Had to steer my car with my elbows into a teacher's parking spot and limped into the front nurse office to tell her what happened, and my mom came to pick me up. I got home and laid in bed, and when i woke up i couldnt move my legs and was bedridden for several hours.

    Finally the next afternoon it all passed out of my system and i felt normal.

    After that, i made sure to get my own Rx and NEVER go near anyone who even mentions concerta again

    Also found out through that experience that concerta is supposed to be taken at night before bed or something, and you wake up the next day with the d***'s effect kicked in. Or some s*** like that. Sounds like dumb s*** to me

    jfc that's f***ing horrible. concerta is literally s*** tier i don't know why it's still prescribed, it's first line treatment for ADHD here in sweden

  • RASIE 🦦
    Sep 27, 2020
    1 reply

    jokes aside i do not recommend anyone to start using this habitually or daily unless you're prescribed and for good reasons. some doctors just give it out willy nilly


    Took me a while to realize that it was slowly ruining my mental state and schedule. Took even longer to ween myself off of it.

    There's nothing worse than taking amphetamine meds everyday for a month, and then not taking it for ONE day...and amphetamine withdrawal fatigue kicks in instantly and you sleep for like 5 days straight

  • RASIE 🦦
    Sep 27, 2020

    jfc that's f***ing horrible. concerta is literally s*** tier i don't know why it's still prescribed, it's first line treatment for ADHD here in sweden

    No bullshit i will never forget the feeling and appearance of my arms when that happened. Dead ass thought i was experiencing some kind of Paranormal Activity possession for a split second. My hands were cemented in a "claw" position for 15 mins straight, i couldnt move them at all

  • Sep 27, 2020
    1 reply


    Took me a while to realize that it was slowly ruining my mental state and schedule. Took even longer to ween myself off of it.

    There's nothing worse than taking amphetamine meds everyday for a month, and then not taking it for ONE day...and amphetamine withdrawal fatigue kicks in instantly and you sleep for like 5 days straight

    last fall, I did it for the whole semester and would take mad klonopin or x**** when I was done with my schoolwork. i'd stay up for two days goin to class fueled on this crap

    by the end of the term I went from 122 lbs to 114 (im 6'2" as well ), diet consisting of coffee and cigarettes and speed

    at the end of christmas break I mixed ambien with amph and ended up in the ward with memory loss and a cut down my thigh. my parents refuse to tell me what happened that night

    that was the end of using it daily. now i hit it when i'm way behind with schoolwork and it's good enough for me

  • RASIE 🦦
    Sep 27, 2020

    last fall, I did it for the whole semester and would take mad klonopin or x**** when I was done with my schoolwork. i'd stay up for two days goin to class fueled on this crap

    by the end of the term I went from 122 lbs to 114 (im 6'2" as well ), diet consisting of coffee and cigarettes and speed

    at the end of christmas break I mixed ambien with amph and ended up in the ward with memory loss and a cut down my thigh. my parents refuse to tell me what happened that night

    that was the end of using it daily. now i hit it when i'm way behind with schoolwork and it's good enough for me

    Be safe fam

  • Sep 27, 2020
    1 reply

    till this day nobody has touched the number of papers he has published

    doubt op will turn into erdos if he starts poppin beans lol

    plus didn't erdos die from a heart attack

  • Sep 27, 2020
    1 reply

    doubt op will turn into erdos if he starts poppin beans lol

    plus didn't erdos die from a heart attack

    at 83, a fine age i might add considering his lifestyle

  • Sep 27, 2020

    at 83, a fine age i might add considering his lifestyle

    you're right

  • Sep 27, 2020

    getting yourself into a groove and also giving yourself adequate time. i'm awful at cramming but when i prepare enough over a reasonable amount of time it's an easy A

    as for learning something outside of school that's just time, dedication, and being mindful of how you went about both. then applying that process when you want to master a new skill. never really got to that point tho bc i hate practicing

  • Nessy 🦎
    Sep 27, 2020

    Figuring out what the teacher wants is more important than following the rules

  • Sep 27, 2020

    Lmao what. Like you studied in the dream?

    yeah but i dont know if i actually learnt new content, i think i was just consolidating what i knew. I cant really remember it was years ago. Coincidentally it was for a psychology test

  • Sep 27, 2020

    That’ll only take you so far.....when you gotta understand rigorous explanations of a theorem or proof it’s best to read a book on it. Or when you are tasked to making your own mathematical proofs from calculus, there’s only so much a Reddit post can do for you....before you will need a decent book for a through and concise explanation.

    If you wanna get a great book that explains calculus very well I would suggest this...

    It’s actually (at least for me) fun to read and not dry to the core like a traditional textbook. I’m being frank, if you’re serious about teaching yourself calculus then you’d have a textbook similar to this in your hands or the pdf on your phone, calculus gets extremely technical and you’ll notice the deeper you dig into rigorous math, the less stack exchange and Reddit will be able to assist you because you’re so far down the rabbit hole of knowledge .

    You know of any good textbooks for diff eq?

  • Sep 27, 2020

    one time i studied for a test the night before in my dreams

    no idea how i did that but it helped a bit

  • Sep 27, 2020

    don't think ive ever properly studied in my life

  • Sep 27, 2020
    1 reply

    you need to plan ahead

    give yourself enough time to understand the material before the test/due date

    i remember taking this learning how to learn coursera course from uc san diego and they introduced me to some good learning techniques such as chunking and pomodoro

    Link the coursera pls

  • Sep 27, 2020
    1 reply

    you need to plan ahead

    give yourself enough time to understand the material before the test/due date

    i remember taking this learning how to learn coursera course from uc san diego and they introduced me to some good learning techniques such as chunking and pomodoro

    Is it this one, man?

  • Sep 27, 2020

    Is it this one, man?

    yep! I took it a few years back, Dr. Barbara Oakley is an amazing teacher

  • Sep 27, 2020

    Link the coursera pls

    Saturday linked it right above fam

  • nocomment

    i think convincing yourself of your interest in what youre studying is important

    i never have and never will study something i dont give a s*** about

    thats absolutely killing me in my senior year lmao

    I can visibly feel my body conceding when I hit a topic I dont care about

  • Sep 27, 2020


  • Sep 27, 2020

    create a designated area/space that is strictly for studying, haev songs that you only study too and make sure you do it after you have had a filling meal so ur not distracted by snacking