Some days I feel like it’s p**** s*** and you should just tell the person how you feel and other days I feel like i’d rather just avoid the predictable confrontation / conversation since the outcome would be the same regardless
What’s your thoughts honestly?
might be p**** s*** but sometimes if the person is a loose canon its worth it. not worth the explosion they may respond with after telling them you're not interested
might be p**** s*** but sometimes if the person is a loose canon its worth it. not worth the explosion they may respond with after telling them you're not interested
I dont really ever ghost. communication is always important
I got friends from high school who I feel like never grew up who do that s***, none my more functioning friends ever do it
Just feels weird and childish to me
might be p**** s*** but sometimes if the person is a loose canon its worth it. not worth the explosion they may respond with after telling them you're not interested
why even make plans with someone like that lol
why even make plans with someone like that lol
you can't know someone perfectly before hanging out/talking to them for like a week no?
you can't know someone perfectly before hanging out/talking to them for like a week no?
wait so the prompt is just about ghosting someone you just met?
I feel like thats a lot different if youre never going to see them again. thats just single serving friend s*** who even cares
if this is about tinder even no one cares if you dont respond lol
wait so the prompt is just about ghosting someone you just met?
I feel like thats a lot different if youre never going to see them again. thats just single serving friend s*** who even cares
if this is about tinder even no one cares if you dont respond lol
nah i was more so talking about someone you've been dating / talking to for maybe 2 or 3 months
wait so the prompt is just about ghosting someone you just met?
I feel like thats a lot different if youre never going to see them again. thats just single serving friend s*** who even cares
if this is about tinder even no one cares if you dont respond lol
i usually think of ghosting as it relates to girls you been talking to for weeks, maybe a month at most. I'd never ghost a long time friend no
i usually think of ghosting as it relates to girls you been talking to for weeks, maybe a month at most. I'd never ghost a long time friend no
Only bad things come from thinking about it so it’s best not to. Just accept when it happens and keep it moving.
part of life tbh not nice like baka but just respect its gonna happen n that you'll prob do it as well try not to be too disrespectful ghost after getting married or directly after having s***though
I was sure this was a Malafe thread based off the title
Not enough racism for that
i usually think of ghosting as it relates to girls you been talking to for weeks, maybe a month at most. I'd never ghost a long time friend no
yh thats different