Some days I feel like it’s p**** s*** and you should just tell the person how you feel and other days I feel like i’d rather just avoid the predictable confrontation / conversation since the outcome would be the same regardless
What’s your thoughts honestly?
Broski if you hit and she ghost no problem because the service was still rendered
No one is obligated to give a response unless there is a legal contract in place, learned the hard way. Doesn’t matter how much you mean to them. Ghosting has existed forever
I hate getting ghosted but i can get over it easily now
If I ghost people it isnt purposely
if u ever get ghosted move n straight away don't ask for explanation straight away asap nothing to gain from wallowing in sadness
Fr best solution when someone ghost u is just move on immediately
I’ve always felt that you don’t owe anyone anything. I am married now, but in prior relationship, I ghosted her after being in a relationship for a year and few months
if u talk to someone you use to see on facetime n they look different your not attracted to them anymore what's the best way of dealing with this i stppe the facetime asap text 'sorry' n they got vex n a week later wrote a 3 paragraph text but that is what i would have appreciated a quick clear concise decline then we both move on not a long ass fake apology just a straight clear sign they're not interested
Ghosting people you give a f*** about? wack
Ghosting people you dont give a f*** about? Fine by me
if u blow up my phone on some bullshit i might block u
that goes for everyone including family
It depends how terrible the date was lol. If I enjoyed myself, I’ll let her know. If the girl annoying, I’ll just ghost so she takes the hint that how she behaved wasnt cool
I’ve always felt that you don’t owe anyone anything. I am married now, but in prior relationship, I ghosted her after being in a relationship for a year and few months
If a girl ghosted me a YEAR into our relationship I would probably kill my self no cap
I’ve always felt that you don’t owe anyone anything. I am married now, but in prior relationship, I ghosted her after being in a relationship for a year and few months
I’ve always felt that you don’t owe anyone anything. I am married now, but in prior relationship, I ghosted her after being in a relationship for a year and few months