people should be happy with themself this is how God made you this is how your mom made you
Let women do what they want to do with their bodies. Simple.
You don’t get to have an opinion on it. And that’s not that big of a deal. Just let it go
people should be happy with themself this is how God made you this is how your mom made you
If only things were as simple as telling someone who most likely had a s***ty childhood and upbringing and deep rooted insecurities, to “be happy with themselves”, lol
i have plastic surgery on my leg am i a w**** too ??????????
Did you get yourself a longer leg ?
If it’s not harming anyone else do what you please. That being said it does come off as vain to me.
If only things were as simple as telling someone who most likely had a s***ty childhood and upbringing and deep rooted insecurities, to “be happy with themselves”, lol
you think plastic surgery is gonna fix those problems?
if it makes you happy
she's crazy
second girl ruined her face lmao
no problem with it unless they lie about it
i also take issue if their body image isn’t improved afterwards and it leads them down a hole they can’t crawl out of
I think it's OK. Everyone should be able to feel God in their bodies.
Did you get yourself a longer leg ?
no i had what was effectively a tumor on my leg that required skin grafting and plastic surgery following “removal”
You was made the way you was for a reason. Altering it with plastic surgery doesnt work a lot of the time
i used to feel a way about it because i was raised by dusty conservatives who talk mad s***, but being a ye stan who thinks kim k is fine as hell, do what you want with your own money and idc at all
i used to feel a way about it because i was raised by dusty conservatives who talk mad s***, but being a ye stan who thinks kim k is fine as hell, do what you want with your own money and idc at all
Kim was way finer without all the work tbh
Kim was way finer without all the work tbh
i wholeheartedly disagree but to each their own
doesn’t make you a bad person or anything but i don’t like it.
if you’re a celebrity, it causes a lot of harm to those who look up to you, and creates unrealistic beauty standards. Also makes it so you don’t embrace your flaws, you just unnaturally cover them up. Not to mention it ages badly or the procedure could get botched
If you have the money for it and you think it’ll boost your confidence, then why not
Usually it doesn’t raise your confidence in the long-run but at least you’ll get a small boost in self-esteem after the surgery