heard this s*** coming to netflix
A live action version, yeah
oh s***
heard this s*** coming to netflix
Hello Emo
Hello how have you been
I'm okay how are you
about the same
@idkICantPick how is your week going so far
@idkICantPick how is your week going so far
Very similar to every other week. It's okay
How have you been?
Very similar to every other week. It's okay
How have you been?
Time feels like its moving too fast and I have to adjust each new event, holiday, birthday, deadline etc... I gotta keep a calendar in my face or something to remember everything at this rate
I don't see how busy people have time to give a damn about all of those things like I'm having a time just doing the bare necessities in my life to get by lol
Time feels like its moving too fast and I have to adjust each new event, holiday, birthday, deadline etc... I gotta keep a calendar in my face or something to remember everything at this rate
Seems stressful. I ignore stuff like that which probably isn't good either