Seems stressful. I ignore stuff like that which probably isn't good either
Just the normal stuff i have somewhat obligations in my head to do something for,
christmas gifts for immediate fam, birthdays for them too, then just regular life s***, school, work
Robb Bank$ should be as poppin as Carti, if not more.
Robb Bank$ should be as poppin as Carti, if not more.
quite hard to get mainstream recognition when ur branding revolves around hentai
quite hard to get mainstream recognition when ur branding revolves around hentai
don't forget satanism and berserk though
lonely f*** this s***
@idkICantPick tell me something about u i always see u on here
u r cool
@idkICantPick tell me something about u i always see u on here
u r cool
umm idk
umm idk
could just be like something u ate or drank once or like
u felt the cold air on your face when you went outside and it woke you up
not even like something specific to u cause this internet s*** sus
could just be like something u ate or drank once or like
u felt the cold air on your face when you went outside and it woke you up
I'm bad at answering questions like this
I'm bad at answering questions like this
u can literally make up a sentence
u can literally make up a sentence
I'm sorry you can just say something instead if you want
why are u like this