The opinion of Rocky most people have is ridiculous
They seem to believe that his only good project was Love.Live.A$AP which is far from true.
Long Live might’ve been a step backwards at times but that’s mostly label shenanigans, ALLA was a classic tier album that nobody talks about, the Testing discourse is seriously exaggerated, I’m still a defender in that it was his third best project overall, but that’s still 3/4 albums that I’d consider classics or really good and he’s still relevant in some peoples eyes so why does nobody hold him up to the same standard as Tyler?
His output has been too bad the last few years. He's good but let's not act like he a legend or something like that
Maybe when he makes a good project for the first time in ten years we can reconsider
Maybe when he makes a good project for the first time in ten years we can reconsider
I just named 3 of em
I remember Twitter saying the Drake/Push beef helped overshadow how bad Testing was
Nigga try way too hard to be smart or deep or some s*** and say cryinge s***. “Mind like Kubrick” nigga sht up lol
You buying a man some flowers?
nothing wrong with a beautiful bouquet
nothing wrong with a beautiful bouquet
You know what, you’re right it really does freshen a room.
The same time others give people their flowers
People expect too much output from artists, idk why they rush Rocky and give him flack for it, better than pumping out s*** constantly and running out of subject matter/inspiration
his tape not getting remastered is a bigger disappointment than Crash Talk
Jesus the straws
He’s one of the best rappers of that generation but he soiled his legacy with mid to terrible projects. I respect him for experimenting though