live love and alla his only good projects (alla might be a classic), testing is bad except for maybe 4 songs, Long live is trash
I give all 4 of his projects a 7/10
That means I like some less than others and some more
ALLA prolly my fav overall
Why's "giving flowers" such a used expression now
The Game Says He Never Got The Respect He Deserved "I Never Got My Flowers"
I remember Twitter saying the Drake/Push beef helped overshadow how bad Testing was
funny thing is Testing is a great album
his tape not getting remastered is a bigger disappointment than Crash Talk
Wow this a crazy take
Maybe when he makes a good project for the first time in ten years we can reconsider
Anyone still falling for rocky album hype is an idiot
It’s me, im the idiot
his tape not getting remastered is a bigger disappointment than Crash Talk
Crash Talk a good album too
He did create a new genre of cloud/trippy style rap he doesn’t get credit because he doesn’t drop enough music or collaborate as much as the next guy
He makes great music but he consistently sets himself up to fail
If you market your album w s*** like this and unfinished demos then people are gonna slander it regardless of whether the music is good
One of the most overrated artists of all time