I agree but I like Olivia Rodrigo too but Billie’s first album is a classic tbh
Incredible album
Olivia Rodrigo era on here was a dark time
niggas get to jackin whatever on here sometimes
we’re just getting started
Zack Bia breakup ballads are just around the corner
wish u were gay
why did you change the thread from what it was to this? now i look crazy
Zack Bia breakup ballads are just around the corner
madison beer album already out
take energy out of comparing two queens to each other and listen to Madison Beer’s Life Support, it’s just as good as both their debuts
You don't have to pit two queens against one another. Billie has 3 projects to her name while Olivia only has one project (which holds up pretty well, considering it was made when she was 17). There's still room for her to grow as both a singer and a songwriter.
take energy out of comparing two queens to each other and listen to Madison Beer’s Life Support, it’s just as good as both their debuts
oh you're being unironic